Neon Space Men – Things (The Ballad of Adam and Steve)

Neon Space Men - Things (The Ballad of Adam and Steve)With their latest synth-pop song "Things (The Ballad of Adam and Steve)", the German artists Neon Space Men once again prove their music­al ver­sat­il­ity. This ener­get­ic track is any­thing but a bal­lad, but rather a dance floor hit that invites listen­ers to bob along and dance.

Already in the intro of the song, the rous­ing bass­line stands out, which imme­di­ately reminds me of the clas­sic "Checkered Love" by Kim Wilde, but with even more pres­sure and energy. Fans of bands like Erasure or Beyond Obsession won't be able to get past Neon Space Men, because their sound moves in sim­il­ar realms and inspires with catchy melod­ies and elec­tron­ic beats.

Thematically, the song stands up for the rights of the LGBT move­ment, which is an import­ant mes­sage in this day and age. The lyr­ics are clev­er and well thought out, adding an extra lay­er of mean­ing to the song. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Neon Space Men – Things (The Ballad of Adam and Steve)' on Spotify

Listen to 'Neon Space Men – Things (The Ballad of Adam and Steve)' on Bandcamp

Neon Space Men about 'Things (The Ballad of Adam and Steve)'

THINGS (THE BALLAD OF ADAM AND STEVE) is the mor­al­ity of two gay men in a world that still doesn't nat­ur­ally have equal rights. Like the elec­tron­ic pop music that NEON SPACE MEN rep­res­ent, gay and les­bi­an oppres­sion was ubi­quit­ous in the 1980s, peak­ing in Britain in 1988.

CLAUSE 28, passed by the Thatcher gov­ern­ment in 1988, banned the "pro­mo­tion of homo­sexu­al­ity by loc­al author­it­ies", which meant that in all areas of pub­lic life only neg­at­ive reports about homo­sexu­al­ity could be repor­ted. Musicians and bands like Jimmy Somerville, Boy George or Chumbawamba voci­fer­ously res­isted the inhu­man legis­la­tion. However, CLAUSE 28 was only abol­ished 20 years ago in 2003.

The “pink tri­angle” estab­lished itself at ral­lies against CLAUSE 28. Derived from the stigma of gay men in the Nazi con­cen­tra­tion camps in the Third Reich, the "pink tri­angle" mani­fes­ted itself as a protest sym­bol in the 1980s. NEON SPACE MEN take up the "pink tri­angle" in the cov­er and cre­ate a poster look that reminds and demon­strates that homo­sexu­al­ity still does not have the social accept­ance that has been fought for many years.

NEON SPACE MEN will release THINGS (THE BALLAD OF ADAM AND STEVE) on June 28th, 2023, on the 54th anniversary of the Stonewall riots on Christopher Street in New York. The largest eman­cip­a­tion move­ment of the LGBT move­ment began on this day. The goal has not yet been reached.

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