NNHMN – Gloomy Heart

NNHMN - Gloomy HeartWith "Gloomy Heart", NNHMN presents us with an ener­get­ic dark wave song that skil­fully inter­weaves the genres of elec­tro and witch house. The track comes from the cur­rent album "Circle Of Doom" and cap­tiv­ates the listen­er from the very begin­ning with its fas­cin­at­ing com­bin­a­tion of 90s euro dance anthems and hints of future pop from the early 2000s.

The song starts with a rous­ing melody that imme­di­ately reminds one of past dance floor eras. But as soon as the vocals start, we are trans­por­ted into the mys­ter­i­ous and dark atmo­sphere of the Witch House. The voice lit­er­ally floats above the spher­ic­al sounds, which gives the track an idio­syn­crat­ic and at the same time cap­tiv­at­ing touch.

Particularly impress­ive is the song's trans­ition­al bridge, which almost seems like a pulsat­ing break in a techno or house track. This vari­ety pleas­antly sur­prises the listen­er and blurs the bound­ar­ies of the indi­vidu­al genres. But des­pite the dif­fer­ent ele­ments, everything remains har­mo­ni­ous and flow­ing, which makes the song a homo­gen­eous and catchy listen­ing experience.

The skil­ful shap­ing of the music­al com­pon­ents test­i­fies to a skil­ful com­pos­i­tion­al work that cap­tiv­ates the listen­er and takes him on a cap­tiv­at­ing jour­ney. With a pleas­ant tempo of around 130 BPM, "Gloomy Heart" offers the per­fect bal­ance between driv­ing rhythms and a mys­ter­i­ous, almost hyp­not­ic mood.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'NNHMN – Gloomy Heart' on Spotify

Listen to 'NNHMN – Gloomy Heart' on Bandcamp

Watch the official music video 'NNHMN – Gloomy Heart'

Lyrics of 'NNHMN – Gloomy Heart'

there is a hope
and there is a sin
there is a rope
and there is a beast

sad angels cry in front of my eyes
the scenes of loss
are break­ing the current

you pushed me in the shadow
where dark flowers grow
you pushed me in the shad­ow where dark flowers are able to live

gloomy heart is beating
in a calm calm ocean
sack full of sand
is hanging on my neck
it will be long long time
before it vanishes

you pushed me in the shadow
where dark flowers grow
you pushed me in the shadow
where dark flowers are able to live
flowers are able to live

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