Red Cell – From The Soil

Red Cell inspires with energetic synth pop

Red Cell - From The SoilWith "From the Soil", the Swedish duo Red Cell deliv­ers anoth­er strong synth pop track that seam­lessly con­tin­ues the qual­ity of their debut album. The song is burst­ing with energy and romance and cap­tiv­ates the listen­er from the very first second. The dynam­ic beats and power­ful melod­ies land dir­ectly on my sweet spot in the ear canal.

The vocal per­form­ance impresses with its high qual­ity and pas­sion. Red Cell show here that they are not only mas­ters of the craft of synth pop, but can also skil­fully con­vey emo­tions. The romantic lyr­ics emphas­ise the soul­ful side of the duo without com­ing across as cheesy.

Respect also for the fact that the band is back with such a strong song just a year after their eponym­ous debut album "Red Cell" and a fant­ast­ic Ace Of Base cov­er ver­sion of "All That She Wants". The iron is obvi­ously being forged here while it's hot.

One high­light is cer­tainly the music­al devel­op­ment that Red Cell have under­gone since their last release. The sound is clear­er and more power­ful, which per­fectly emphas­ises the ener­get­ic mood of the song. However, you can still recog­nise the duo's unique son­ic DNA.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Red Cell – From The Soil" on Spotify


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