Sines – Supernova

Sines - SupernovaThe brit­ish band "Sines" present their dark pop new song "Supernova" taken from the album "Gravitiy". The ener­get­ic and happy-go-lucky song evokes asso­ci­ations with bands like "Ladytron" or the pop icon "Madonna" on first hear­ing. The strong elec­tron­ic pres­ence and the high pop factor mean that the song can, in my opin­ion, be clearly assigned to the genre of dark pop.

Lyrically, the song moves in clas­sic love song realms, but clev­erly pack­aged in a sci-fi theme. Although this com­bin­a­tion is not new, "Sines" suc­ceeds impress­ively in bring­ing a breath of fresh air into the fusion of love and sci­ence fic­tion. The use of organs with a hint of 70s vibes con­trib­utes greatly to the atmo­sphere of the song, which is remin­is­cent of a Space Age era.

The song's offi­cial visu­al­iser, which uses old sci-fi foot­age from the 70s, is undoubtedly an appeal­ing visu­al com­pan­ion to the song. Still, as a listen­er, one could def­in­itely wish for a real music video to cap­ture the emo­tion­al level of the song even more. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Sines – Supernova' on Spotify

Watch the official visualizer of 'Sines – Supernova'

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