Skylark – Good Liar

Skylark - Good LiarIn the elec­tron­ic music scene, Skylark's new track "Good Liar" is a fas­cin­at­ing mix­ture of dark pop and elec­tro pop. The naively dark note inher­ent in the song is cap­tiv­at­ing right from the start. A hint of 80s synth-pop icons, espe­cially female artists, res­on­ates here, but Skylark gives this nos­tal­gic flair a refresh­ing, con­tem­por­ary touch.

The catchi­ness of the song can­not be over­heard and cre­ates an energy that runs through the entire piece. "Good Liar" sounds like a long-lost hit from times gone by, yet is unmis­tak­ably mod­ern and uncom­plic­ated. A romantic aura per­vades the song and gives it a spe­cial, emo­tion­al depth.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Skylark – Good Liar' on Spotify

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