Sterno – Echoes

"Echoes" by Sterno: Norwegian mid-tempo synth pop

Sterno - EchoesWhen I heard "Echoes" by Sterno for the first time, I was imme­di­ately gripped by the clear synth pop aes­thet­ic with lots of retro charm. The track gets straight to the point: it's catchy and dynam­ic at the same time, which sets it apart from many oth­er songs in the genre. I find the chor­us par­tic­u­larly inter­est­ing, which reminded me a little of "Modern Talking" at first. However, without their dis­tinct­ive, high-pitched vocals, which gives the song its own, more pleas­ant flavour.

What par­tic­u­larly stands out for me about Echoes is the romantic fla­vour that runs like a red thread through the entire track. Despite the rather clearly struc­tured syn­thes­iser sounds, the song man­ages to cre­ate a warm and almost dreamy mood.

The mid-tempo of the track also fits this atmo­sphere per­fectly. It ensures that the song nev­er becomes too hec­tic, but still has enough drive to not seem bor­ing. Another high­light for me are the elec­tron­ic breaks. Every time they appear, they sound slightly dif­fer­ent, which keeps the track unpre­dict­able and ver­sat­ile. It feels like you dis­cov­er a little sur­prise in every break.

In the end, I'm left with the impres­sion of a really well-made synth pop song that impresses with its vari­ety, dynam­ics and, above all, its romantic fla­vour. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Sterno – Echoes" on Spotify

Listen to "Sterno – Echoes" on Bandcamp

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