Sugarstone – Pink Duct Tape

Sugarstone - Pink Duct TapeThe British band 'Sugarstone' cat­egor­ize their new song 'Pink Duct Tape' as synth punk in genre ques­tions. And yes, the song has a strong syn­thes­izer factor, but wheth­er I per­son­ally would ascribe a punk atti­tude to the song because of the drums or the gui­tars.… mmm­hh, I don't know. It's more pop, but it's not clas­sic synth pop either. The syn­thes­izer sounds don't dom­in­ate strongly enough for that. Just listen to it your­self and write in the com­ments how you would cat­egor­ise this track.

Among oth­er great bands also this track is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘Synth Pop Newcomers 2021‘.

Listen to 'Sugarstone – Pink Duct Tape' on Spotify

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