Szopa – Mirror

Szopa - MirrorThe song 'Mirror' is a dark wave track by UK artist 'Szopa'. The single 'Mirror' is part of the album 'Vital Organs'. Depressing and extremely mel­an­chol­ic, the song car­ries itself drag­ging in a scenery of a grey, rainy November day. The big mod­els for the song are 'Depeche Mode' and 'Peter Gabriel'.

The artist him­self says about the lyr­ic­al back­ground that it is about a very strange and lonely time. He sang drunk­enly a song which felt like to have a con­ver­sa­tion with him­self. Among oth­er great bands also this track is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘Synth Pop Newcomers 2021‘.

Listen to 'Szopa – Mirror' on Spotify

Watch the official music video of 'Szopa – Mirror'

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