Dada's Troost – Visit From A Friend

Dada's Troost - Visit From A Friend (Cover artwork)Official music video for the synth pop song 'Visit From A Friend' per­formed by "Dada's Troost". Video by Martijn van der Sanden. The Netherlands-based band has proven their abil­ity to cre­ate catchy and ener­get­ic synth pop music that imme­di­ately gets stuck in your head.

The song opens with a Pet Shop Boys vibe (maybe only in my world), trans­port­ing the listen­er back to the 80s. Dada's Troost has described their sound as a mix of Depeche Mode and Red Hot Chili Peppers and this is evid­ent in the way they blend the elec­tron­ic ele­ments with live instruments.

The lyr­ics may raise some eye­brows, but they fit seam­lessly into the over­all vibe of the song. The vocal deliv­ery is spot on, with just the right amount of emo­tion and intens­ity. You don't have to jump off a cliff to know that this is a bad decision. But that's how every­one has to find their own way in life.

Bad decision made us who we are
Lyric line from 'Visit From A Friend'

The middle sec­tion of the song takes a wild turn, which may ini­tially throw the listen­er off, but ulti­mately adds to the song's over­all dynam­ic. The trans­ition back to the chor­us is a bit abrupt, but it doesn't detract from the over­all enjoy­ment of the song. This uncom­fort­able synth pop song will leave you want­ing more and ques­tion­ing why you haven't been listen­ing to this band sooner.

If I had to offer any con­struct­ive cri­ti­cism, it would be to fur­ther explore the middle sec­tion and find a smooth­er way to trans­ition back to the chor­us. However, this is a minor cri­tique in an oth­er­wise fant­ast­ic song. Keep up the great work, Dada's Troost!

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to "Dada's Troost – Visit From A Friend" on Spotify

Listen to "Dada's Troost – Visit From A Friend" on Bandcamp

Dada's Troost about "Visit From A Friend"

The song is about my hate / love rela­tion­ship with addict­ive sub­stances, like alco­hol or drugs. The song reflects on what they brought me. In a way they gave me my hap­pi­est years: I enjoyed party­ing while tour­ing and meet­ing lots of people in many dif­fer­ent places. Now while get­ting older, I'm more and more choos­ing for a stable life, and often think about some bad decisions I made in that peri­od. But at the end of the day, those decisions made us who we are. The song cel­eb­rates this, it enables me to move for­ward in life.

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