Elinborg – Vera

Elinborg - VeraOfficial music video for the dark and mel­an­chol­ic song 'Vera' per­formed by the artist 'Elinborg' taken from the same-titled EP 'Vera'. 'Elinborg' is from the Faroe Islands (a small, autonom­ous group of islands belong­ing to the Danish Crown). I think this is an inform­at­in to share here, because hon­estly I have nev­er heard of Faroe Islands before. But as we all know, you nev­er stop learning.

Elinborg (Press photo 2022)
Elinborg (Press photo 2022)

I know I use the Björk com­par­is­on quite often here. Even more often than I would like. However, in my opin­ion Björk was a small music­al revolu­tion in the elec­tron­ic music scene in the early 90s. So the com­par­is­ons, like this one for the song 'Vera', are always meant to be extremely positive.

The cool elec­tron­ic syn­thes­izers, with a lot of dense atmo­sphere, per­fectly under­line the acous­tic sad­ness. The voice is crys­tal clear and sounds won­der­ful. Unfortunately, my Faroese lan­guage is a bit rusty (cough) and I can't under­stand a word. I hope for future songs in English.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Elinborg – Vera' on Spotify

Lyrics of 'Elinborg – Vera'

legst yvir glug­gan ein kyndil
sløknar og leg­gur spor
Í ósjón­liga luft

Eitt naki likam
ein sær­dur kroppur
málar mítt hjarta blátt
og ein vera
nú myrkablá

Í eini søkkandi
verð dryppandi
vætar tú meg

Támgrá luft
tekur og blæsur meg
til eitt bren­nandi skin
og ein vera
nú myrkablá

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