Holy Comets – The Satellites

Holy Comets - BlueOfficial music video for the elec­tro pop song 'The Satellites' by the Israeli Band 'Holy Comets'. The song is taken from the EP 'Blue'. 'Holy Comets' elec­tro pop song 'The Satellites' is a refresh­ing work from Israel that reaches inter­na­tion­al stand­ards and cap­tiv­ates the listen­er with its ener­get­ic and catchy vibe.

'The Satellites' doesn't really stand out from the crowd, but it uses a syn­thet­ic spec­trum of sound that at the same time main­tains a cer­tain soft­ness and radioab­il­ity. 'Holy Comets' take inspir­a­tion from legendary bands of the synth pop era like 'Eurythmics' and 'Depeche Mode', but go their own way by mak­ing the sound a bit shal­low­er. This gives the song an access­ible and melod­ic qual­ity that invites you to dive into the catchy chorus.

The pro­duc­tion of 'The Satellites' is excel­lent, with each sound care­fully placed and offer­ing a seam­less com­bin­a­tion of elec­tron­ic ele­ments and dance­able beats. The singer's voice har­mon­ises per­fectly with the syn­thes­izers, cre­at­ing a pleas­ant atmo­sphere that sweeps the listen­er along.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Holy Comets – The Satellites' on Spotify

Listen to 'Holy Comets – The Satellites' on Bandcamp

Holy Comets about 'The Satellites'

Holy Comets is the brainchild of Tel Aviv-based artist and pro­du­cer Vladimir Lomberg. It’s an elec­tron­ic music pro­ject that seam­lessly fuses the won­ders of space explor­a­tion, the beauty of nature and the pop-savvy sens­ib­il­it­ies of mod­ern-day roman­ti­cism. Featuring eth­er­e­al voice of Aone and includ­ing live instru­ments into its celes­ti­al sound­scapes, this inter­stel­lar jour­ney merges the digit­al and the organ­ic. Holy Comet is sure to trans­port you to a whole new dimen­sion of son­ic delight.

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