IAMX – The Void

'The Void' from the new 'IAMX' mini album 'Everything Is Burning (Metanoia Addendum)'. Video dir­ec­ted by Chris Corner.


You took me on, you forced my hand again
Holding the rope, hold­ing everything
Only the bravest girl would sit through this
Only the darkest German confidence

I guess if I'm breath­ing this is not the end
I guess if I love myself I have a friend
Oh and if there's noth­ing left I have your voice
Talking me into sleep, into the void

We laid in the sand, the salt breeze in our eyes
Telling our stor­ies with unspoken signs
Waves of old ten­sion still con­trolling us
Waves of a new life slowly calm­ing us

Official video description

"The Void rep­res­ents the end of an era. The com­ple­tion of my own per­son­al trans­form­a­tion after a 2 year battle with depres­sion and chron­ic insom­nia. It's an addendum to the album Metanoia. The video is a fusion or a mashup of all the IAMX videos dur­ing this peri­od. Some shot and dir­ec­ted by me, some by oth­ers. I see it as a cel­eb­ra­tion of my own private vic­tory, my new found inner strength and also a sym­bol to my audi­ence or any­body search­ing that life is extraordin­ary and hap­pi­ness is con­quer­able. I've spent years put­ting togeth­er abstract visu­als for our mul­ti­me­dia stage shows so I felt the video could also reflect this. There is no mind-numb­ingly banal nar­rat­ive, just a throb­bing col­lage of tran­si­ent images. The way my real­ity is and the way I love it."

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