J:Dead – Harbour

J:Dead - Harbour (Cover artwork)Official music video 'Harbour' per­formed by 'J:Dead' taken from the EP 'Roots'. 'Roots' is almost a mini album to me, because it con­tains 7 songs.

The begin­ning of "Harbour" is the fam­ous calm before the storm. With a hyp­not­ic melody, the song draws us into its world and cre­ates an atmo­sphere of expect­a­tion. But then, like a sud­den whirl­wind, the energy breaks in. The beat intens­i­fies, the syn­thes­izers drive for­ward, and before you real­ise it, you are caught in a whirl­pool of elec­tron­ic ecstasy.

For those who long for the golden era of Future Pop of the early 2000s, "Harbour" will be a real treat. J:Dead has the abil­ity to cap­ture that nos­tal­gic feel­ing while cata­pult­ing it into the present. The melod­ies are extremely catchy and the sound­scapes cre­ated here are simply intoxicating.

In "Harbour" you can hear influ­ences from greats like Apoptygma Berzerk and Code 64, which points to J:Dead's impress­ive range. This song is a music­al adven­ture that has to be exper­i­enced to be truly under­stood. It's ener­get­ic, excit­ing and full of futur­ist­ic pop bril­liance. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'J:Dead – Harbour' on Spotify

Listen to 'J:Dead – Harbour' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'J:Dead – Harbour'

I nev­er will be lonely, cuz there’s inside, I nev­er will be lonely, cuz there’s inside, look hard and you will find me, which one will it be, look hard and you will find me, lonely I will nev­er be

For too long, I believed I might be har­bour­ing someone, all my thoughts began to merge and you were gone, recol­lec­tion of the trauma that I know, when my time is up i’ll nev­er let you go

I nev­er will be lonely, cuz there’s inside, I nev­er will be lonely, cuz there’s inside

Welcome home, I pro­tec­ted all the walls from fall­ing down, there's a sign without your name thats on the ground, will you carve it up from pieces that I know, when my time is up i’ll nev­er let you go

Go, when my time is up i’ll nev­er let you go, when my time is up i’ll nev­er let you go, when my time is up i’ll nev­er let you go

For too long, I believed I might be har­bour­ing someone, all my thoughts began to merge and you were gone, recol­lec­tion of the trauma that I know, when my time is up i’ll nev­er let you go

I nev­er will be lonely, cuz there’s inside, I nev­er will be lonely, cuz there’s inside, look hard and you will find me, which one will it be, look hard and you will find me, lonely I will nev­er be

Look hard and you will find me, lonely I will nev­er be

J:Dead about 'Harbour'

j:dead returns with their new single Harbour, taken from their upcom­ing EP ROOTS (released 1 st December via Infacted Records). This new­est anthem is a sym­phony of power­ful vocals, atop a back­drop of driv­ing synths and crushed melod­ies, and is accom­pan­ied by 2 remixes from Aesthetic Perfection and genCAB.

Harbour depicts the char­ac­ters who make up who we are – dis­played in the frantic embod­i­ment of the music video. Introspective and chaot­ic, Harbour is anoth­er dark elec­tron­ic anthem from j:dead.

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