Junksista – Oxytocin High

Official music video 'Oxytocin High' per­formed by 'Junksista' taken from the album 'OA'. The music video is clas­sic storytelling music video with a lot of 80s charm and with a few double casts of the act­ors (wink smiley).

Lyrics of 'Junksista – Oxytocin High':

Why cant you be
fuck­ing happy?

Why are you look­ing at me,
all the stuff, that I've got?
Why am I look­ing at you…
everything, that I'm not?
what are you wait­ing for?
wish­ing for?
grass is green­er on the oth­er side
the one right here gets you just as high

why cant you be
fuck­ing happy
oxy­to­cin high
so high so high so high

why are you look­ing at me
look­ing at me and what I've got
why am I look­ing at you
wish­ing I could change the plot
what are you wait­ing for,
wish­ing for,
want­ing more?
grass is green­er on the oth­er side
the one right here gets you just as high

I know your ride was rough…
just fuck it all and be in love!
will it ever be enough?
you had a cross to bear
fuck it, now you've got love to share…
love to share

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