Marnie – Lost Maps

The offi­cial video for 'Lost Maps' by 'Marnie'. Featuring – Natali McCleary, Director of Photography – Steve Cardno.


I see no empathy, bit­ter warn­ings, and lies
We are just ordin­ary people
Get on your knees and pray
I say

Whatcha gonna do, where are you gonna go
When the dark­ness closes on you
Is there any­body out there look­ing for you?
Do they know what you've been through?

Gotta find the time, search the silence, open up your mind, survival's not a crime
Is there any­body out there speak­ing the truth
Don't believe what they tell you

A sigh epi­dem­ic ter­ror­iz­ing our lives
No more accom­plice geo­graphy, we are lost maps to take
I say

Whatcha gonna do, where are you gonna go
When the dark­ness closes on you
Is there any­body out there look­ing for you?
Do they know what you've been through?

Gotta find the time, search the silence, open up your mind, survival's not a crime
Is there any­body out there speak­ing the truth
Don't believe what they tell you

Whatcha gonna do, where are you gonna go
When the dark­ness closes on you
Is there any­body out there look­ing for you?
Do they know what you've been through?

Gotta find the time, search the silence, open up your mind, survival's not a crime
Is there any­body out there speak­ing the truth
Don't believe what they tell you

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