Miss FD – Distractions

Official music video 'Distractions' per­formed by 'Miss FD'. Video Director: Azalea Jeanette. 'Distractions' is anoth­er mad and crazy dance­able out­put from the lovely 'Miss FD'.

Miss FD - DistractionsWhen it comes to explor­ing the dark and dance­able realms of elec­tron­ic music, there is one artist who nev­er fails to cause a sen­sa­tion: the enchant­ing Miss FD. With her latest work "Distractions", she once again proves her extraordin­ary tal­ent to unleash an ener­get­ic fire­work of unique sounds. This song is undoubtedly a feast for all EBM, Synth Pop and Gothic enthu­si­asts out there.

"Distractions" is like an elec­tric shock of pure dance­ab­il­ity. Right from the start, you are gripped by a tre­mend­ous energy that lit­er­ally forces you to sur­render to the rhythm. But Miss FD would not be her­self if she did not also play with eer­ie and fas­cin­at­ing sound effects. These give the song a mys­ter­i­ous atmo­sphere that fits per­fectly to gloomy nights and mys­ter­i­ous adventures.

Miss FD (Press photo 2023)
Miss FD (Press photo 2023)

What makes "Distractions" stand out are the unique synth sounds that Miss FD clev­erly weaves into her music. These sounds are so dis­tinct­ive and ori­gin­al that they make the song a true treas­ure in any elec­tron­ic playl­ist. The artist is a mas­ter at break­ing the bound­ar­ies of the genre and cre­at­ing some­thing new and exciting.

Those who are already famil­i­ar with Miss FD's pre­vi­ous works know that she has released an impress­ive num­ber of singles and EPs in the recent years. But since her last album "Transcendence" from 2018, her fans have been eagerly wait­ing for a new album mas­ter­piece. I sin­cerely hope that fans will be gran­ted relief in the form of a new long play­er in the near future.

In con­clu­sion, "Distractions" by Miss FD is anoth­er tri­umphant step in her music­al jour­ney. The song is burst­ing with energy, invites us to dance and takes us into a fas­cin­at­ingly eer­ie world full of unique sounds. This track should def­in­itely find a place in your playl­ist, espe­cially if you are look­ing for the per­fect soundtrack for the upcom­ing Halloween sea­son. Miss FD nev­er dis­ap­points and proves once again that she is an artist to keep an eye on.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Miss FD – Distractions' on Spotify

Listen to 'Miss FD – Distractions' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'Miss FD – Distractions'

dis­tort­ing the order of things
ghosts in the dark
pulling invis­ible strings

we’re set on sur­viv­al mode
watch­ing the con­tent scroll
and all the ter­ror it brings

but it comes in our dreams
the earth is waiting
it comes in our dreams

refuse to sink in
the earth is waiting
dig your hands in

anoth­er distraction

anoth­er distraction

dis­rupt­ing beliefs
but now blood’s on our hands
you let them deceive you
now blood’s on your hands

trained to consume
triggered by fear
hold your ideology
tight and dear

but it comes in our dreams
the earth is waiting
it comes in our dreams

refuse to sink in
the earth is waiting
dig your hands in

anoth­er distraction

anoth­er distraction

drain the swamp
we’re sink­ing in
dig your hands in
dig deep in

drain the swamp
we’re sink­ing in
dig your hands in
dig deep in

anoth­er distraction

anoth­er distraction

Miss FD about 'Distractions'

'Distractions' envel­ops listen­ers in a dysto­pi­an realm, where glitchy elec­tron­ic tex­tures inter­twine with gritty indus­tri­al ele­ments to cre­ate an immers­ive cyber indus­tri­al under­cur­rent. The tur­bu­lent fusion of atmo­spher­ic sound­scapes, aggress­ive beats, and haunt­ing melod­ies sets the stage for lyr­ics invit­ing listen­ers to ques­tion and reflect on the con­stant bom­bard­ment of dis­trac­tions thrown at us, keep­ing us from truly grasp­ing the rap­idly evolving events tak­ing place in the world around us.

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