Neon Black Dreams – Dreams

Neon Black Dreams - Dreams (Cover artwork)Official music video for the elec­tro pop / syn­thwave song 'Dreams' per­formed by the US band 'Neon Black Dreams'. 'Dreams' is the second single from the band and have a lot of poten­tial with their catchy syn­thwave music in the scene. In terms of sound, the song is still quite close to the debut single 'Reach For The Light'. Let's see how they will work on the diversity and devel­op fur­ther in the future.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist 'New Synth Pop Songs 2022'. Updated every 2 weeks! Follow this playl­ist now and don't miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Neon Black Dreams – Dreams' on Spotify

Listen to 'Neon Black Dreams – Dreams' on Bandcamp


This is who we are
And we’ve come so far
Don’t know what to hold on to
When I dream its only you

Fall In the arms of destiny
Blinded by all we see
You came home today
Not a word to say
Feelings cast away
I just run away

Face the future
Hand in hand
Reach for the sky

Bitterness upon your skin
It’s the taste of sin
Once you believed in me
now we disagree
Heart is nev­er free
Can’t you for­give me

Search the truth inside of us
But we will nev­er find an answer
There is noth­ing to discuss
Fate has chosen our forever

Face the future
Hand in hand
Reach for the sky

This is who we are
And we’ve come so far
Don’t know what to hold on to
When I dream its always you

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