Priest – Black Venom

Poisonous and uplifting: Priest unleashes “Black Venom”

Priest - Black Venom (Cover Artwork)Official music video "Black Venom" per­formed by "Priest" taken from the album "Dark Pulse". Director: Linton Rubino. Priest, the Swedish mas­ters of synth pop, have once again man­aged to cap­tiv­ate the dark aes­thet­ics of the goth­ic scene with their latest track ‘Black Venom’. The accom­pa­ny­ing music video expands on the dark atmo­sphere of the track and presents itself as a visu­al acid trip that trans­ports the view­er into a world of visu­al dis­tor­tion, match­ing the song's meta­phor­ic­al depic­tion of an inner poisoning.

‘Black Venom’ is char­ac­ter­ised by cre­at­ively used, ghostly samples that cre­ate an omin­ous atmo­sphere and imme­di­ately cast a spell over the listen­er. The typ­ic­al Priest sound, which has already thrilled the loy­al fan­base with pre­vi­ous hits, is also con­tin­ued here, leav­ing noth­ing to be desired. The some­what rough­er vocals fit per­fectly with the dark mood of the song and give the whole thing a raw, authen­t­ic flavour.

Black venom, black venom, still run­ning through my sickened body
Lyrics from "Black Venom" by "Priest"

Lyrically, ‘Black Venom’ delves deep into the meta­phor­ic­al depic­tion of addic­tion and inner demons. The recur­ring refrain ‘Black venom, black venom, still run­ning through my sickened body’ emphas­ises the con­sum­ing nature of these inner battles that keep you awake at night and ‘drain the energy’, as the prot­ag­on­ist laments.

While the song is con­vin­cing in its pro­duc­tion and style, fans may still begin to yearn for fur­ther devel­op­ment or a new album, giv­en that ‘Body Machine’ was released two years ago in July. It would be excit­ing to see how Priest could fur­ther devel­op this strong found­a­tion with new music­al experimentation.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Priest – Black Venom" on Spotify

Lyrics of "Priest – Black Venom"

My thirst is guid­ing me
Up to the fountainhead
Will I ever break out free
Or I will end up dead?
I’m just reven­ant flesh
Crawling from the abyss
Addiction can start afresh
Just like a sirens kiss

Black venom, black venom
Still run­ning through my sickened body
Black venom, black venom
Black venom, black venom
Can you suck this pois­on out of me?
Black venom, black venom

Keeping me up at night
Draining my energy
Defragmenting my hard drive
From all sobriety

Black venom, black venom
Still run­ning through my sickened body
Black venom, black venom
Black venom, black venom
Can you suck this pois­on out of me?
Black venom, black venom

This venom I gladly quaff
What can I do but laugh?
I became the vampire
Of my own heart

Black venom, black venom
Still run­ning through my sickened body
Black venom, black venom
Black venom, black venom
Can you suck this pois­on out of me?
Black venom, black venom
Black venom, black venom, black venom

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