Priest – Dark Pulse

A cyberpunk adventure: a deep insight into Priest's latest album "Dark Pulse"

Priest - Dark Pulse

Album facts

Release Date: May 31th, 2024
Label: Blue Nine Records
Tags: , , , ,
Discogs: Priest – Dark Pulse
Partially sounds like: Depeche Mode, And One, Camouflage, The Cure, Was (Not Was)
Final score: 4.2 stars

The band Priest's fourth stu­dio album, "Dark Pulse", takes us deep into a cyber­punk uni­verse that is not only inspired by the rave scene of the early 90s, but also reveals a dark­er, more dance­able side of the band. With a beat-heavy and bass-driv­en found­a­tion, this album sets new stand­ards in their music­al career. In this review, we dive into the indi­vidu­al tracks and explore how "Dark Pulse" presents itself as pos­sibly the band's best work.

Enthralling opener sets the tone

The open­er "Burning Love" from the new album "Dark Pulse" imme­di­ately cap­tiv­ates me. Synths that peck at the ears and ali­en-like sounds cre­ate a cap­tiv­at­ing atmo­sphere even in the intro. The vocals start in an almost angel­ic pitch, which forms a fas­cin­at­ing con­trast to the cool, indus­tri­al elec­tron­ic arrange­ment. The com­plex sound­scapes are mas­ter­fully arranged and the power­ful bass­line pro­pels the track relent­lessly for­ward – per­fect for the dance floors of the scene clubs. The single, which was released in October 2023, is a great choice to intro­duce the album to fans. "Burning Love" is a must-have for lov­ers of elec­tron­ic music and the goth­ic scene.

"Black Venom" is the second track on the album and has also been released as a single. The beat is more relaxed, but still fast enough to keep the ten­sion. The vibe of the song is more catchy than the open­er and imme­di­ately stays in your head. The melod­ies are slightly play­ful, which gives the track a slightly poppy touch that is con­vin­cing. The song has a cer­tain light­ness that makes it access­ible without los­ing depth. All in all, a suc­cess­ful mix of a relaxed atmo­sphere and catchy melod­ies. A track that is per­fect for fans of both synth pop and elec­tro pop.

Black venom, black venom
Can you suck this pois­on out of me?
Lyrics from "Black Venom" per­formed by "Priest"

Nostalgic flair meets modern beats

The single "Demon's Call" moves in a relaxed way towards 80s synth pop and impresses me with its nos­tal­gic charm. The music video is abso­lutely worth see­ing and appeals to me much more than the usu­al glitchy video art. You can tell imme­di­ately that the band knows exactly which tracks work well as singles. "Demon's Call" is an out­stand­ing song from the album "Dark Pulse", which is eas­ily access­ible and imme­di­ately cap­tiv­ated me. The track man­ages to com­bine the essence of the 80s with a mod­ern touch and leaves a last­ing impression.

When I listened to the fourth track "Dungeon Dance" on the album "Dark Pulse", I was impressed by the diversity of the album. The mix­ture of elec­tron­ic synth pop sounds and the dark, pulsat­ing atmo­sphere imme­di­ately cap­tiv­ates you. However, I found the rapped lyr­ics less appeal­ing. The lyr­ic line "let's do the dun­geon dance" reminded me strongly of the fun songs of the 80s like "Walk the Dinosaur" by "Was (Not Was)" or "Walk Like An Egyptian" by "The Bangles". A bit of a strange com­par­is­on, I know, but it shows how var­ied and unex­pec­ted this album is.

Diverse influences craft unique vibes

Priest (Promo oicture 2024)
Priest (Promo oic­ture 2024)

When I first heard "Golden Gate" by "Priest", I imme­di­ately felt trans­por­ted back to the cool, indus­tri­al sounds of the 80s. The song reminds me a lot of albums like "Some Great Reward" or "Construction Time Again" by Depeche Mode, but in a mod­ern inter­pret­a­tion. This is mainly due to the cool metal­lic sounds in the intro. The ori­gin­al­ity of "Golden Gate" is remark­able. Although the track seems a bit bulky, it shows a fas­cin­at­ing vari­ety. The acid-like bridge is par­tic­u­larly sur­pris­ing, and it fits per­fectly into the over­all pic­ture, although you wouldn't expect it. Priest have really man­aged to cre­ate an impress­ive mix here.

The sixth track on the album, "Just A Game", is a real hit. The song is burst­ing with energy and com­bines power­ful pas­sages with har­mo­ni­ous chor­uses, cre­at­ing an impress­ive dynam­ic. The bridges in par­tic­u­lar are a homage to 90s techno, with almost trance-like ele­ments remin­is­cent of weird Eurodance at a 90s fair. This wild mix takes you on an excit­ing jour­ney through dif­fer­ent sound­scapes. The song may not be imme­di­ately catchy, but it brings a unique dynam­ic to the album and proves to be a refresh­ing addi­tion. A fas­cin­at­ing listen­ing exper­i­ence for fans of synth and elec­tro pop!

Dynamic energies and calming rhythms

As a big fan of 80s-inspired synth pop, I was imme­di­ately taken with the song "Your Devil". With its clear lines and crisp beats, it offers a bal­anced and har­mo­ni­ous sound­scape that is the per­fect invit­a­tion to relax after the ener­get­ic "Just A Game". The groovy rhythms and catchy sound make it one of the high­lights of the album "Dark Pulse" for me. I par­tic­u­larly like the clear struc­ture and the flow­ing build-up of the track. Although it ends after just 3 minutes 36 seconds, which is why I feel a little sad, "Your Devil" leaves a last­ing impres­sion and raises hopes of a single release, includ­ing a music video.

Will I always be your devil
Carrying your lies?
Will I always be your devil?
The scape­goat in your eyes
Lyrics from "Your Devil" per­formed by "Priest"

The first sounds of "Enter Your Body" have a slight ori­ent­al touch that imme­di­ately reminds me of "Love Is A Shield" by "Camouflage". It's not the sound itself, but more the vibe and atmo­sphere that evoke this asso­ci­ation. But then the drums kick in and the 80s indus­tri­al samples and syn­thes­izer sounds take over more space, so the first asso­ci­ation quickly fades away. The song takes a sim­il­ar dir­ec­tion to "Golden Gate". The chor­us, on the oth­er hand, is strongly remin­is­cent of a lost song by "And One" from the "Spot" or "I.S.T." era. A really great track that will delight both old and new fans!

Dark tones and emotional echoes

The intro of "A Demonic Game" finally blows the shit out of my brain and fucks me hard. The influ­ences from the 80s, espe­cially the dark wave tones in the bass­line and the drums, are strongly remin­is­cent of "The Cure" and "Sisters Of Mercy", but with a unique twist that I wouldn't have expec­ted on a Priest album. The song clev­erly com­bines vari­ous influ­ences to cre­ate a com­pletely new sound exper­i­ence. Priest have cre­ated some­thing truly great here and show that they have the abil­ity to expand their music in unex­pec­ted and impress­ive ways.

You’re just a pawn in a demon­ic game
The rules have nev­er been to explain
Your con­fu­sion, chaos and pain
Lyrics from "A Demonic Game" per­formed by "Priest"

I have to say that "Chaos Reigns" by Priest is an epic and mel­an­chol­ic con­clu­sion to the album "Dark Pulse". The song has an impress­ive depth and touches emo­tion­ally in a way that is rarely exper­i­enced. It sounds light and float­ing, like a feath­er, and exudes a fas­cin­at­ing 70s space age atmo­sphere. This unique mood makes the track spe­cial and cap­tiv­at­ing. Although the song is a little too short for my taste, I under­stand the decision to keep it at radio edit length. This keeps it fresh and pre­vents it from becom­ing mono­ton­ous. A really suc­cess­ful con­clu­sion to a great album.

Priest's musical evolution reaches new heights with "Dark Pulse"

With their fourth long-play­er, "Priest" can seam­lessly fol­low up on the last suc­cess of "Body Machine". They still know, or rather know even bet­ter, how to com­bine clas­sic ele­ments with mod­ern sounds and cre­ate some­thing new. Personally, I would have liked some of the songs to be more catchy, as is the case with Blackbook's "Radio Strange", for example, but that's just whin­ing on a very high level. The album "Dark Pulse" is an abso­lute must-buy for any­one who can deal with a some­what unwieldy syn­thes­iser sound.

Track by track rating for: Priest – Dark Pulse

Priest - Dark Pulse
Priest – Dark Pulse
Burning Love
Black Vemon
Demon's Call
Dungeon Dance
Golden Gate
Just A Game
Your Devil
Enter Your Body
A Demonic Game
Chaos Reigns
Black Vemon
Demon's Call
Golden Gate
Your Devil
Enter Your Body
A Demonic Game
(Nothing to report here)

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Burning Love
Black Vemon
Demon's Call
Dungeon Dance
Golden Gate
Just A Game
Your Devil
Enter Your Body
A Demonic Game
Chaos Reigns
Final Score