Ronnie Stone – The Diamond

Ronnie Stone - The DiamondOfficial music video 'The Diamond' per­formed by 'Ronnie Stone' taken from the album 'Ride Again'. Directed by Rosa Luna.

Ronnie Stone from the USA presents us with "The Diamond", a cap­tiv­at­ing synth-pop-dark-wave hybrid. The dark mood that per­vades the song is unmis­tak­able and cre­ates a pro­found atmo­sphere remin­is­cent of the best works of the 80s.

The song con­tains early indus­tri­al ele­ments that imme­di­ately reminds one of the pion­eers like 'Depeche Mode' when they revolu­tion­ised the elec­tron­ic music land­scape in the early 80s. These indus­tri­al sounds give "The Diamond" a raw and power­ful char­ac­ter that runs through the entire track. Cleverly placed samples of every­day objects char­ac­ter­ise this sound. These unex­pec­ted sound details give the song a unique tex­ture and provide sur­pris­ing moments that cap­tiv­ate the listener.

Listening to "The Diamond" by Ronnie Stone, one can ima­gine what 'Nine Inch Nails' would sound like without their sig­na­ture gui­tars and raw sounds. It's a song that cap­tures the essence of 80's synth pop and dark wave while adding a mod­ern and unique touch.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Ronnie Stone – The Diamond' on Spotify

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