thewalkingicon – 3 For The Past

Official music video '3 For The Past' per­formed by 'thewalkin­gi­con' taken from the album 'Shadow Of The Saints'. Director: Maxim Beloguroff.


The third track of foot­steps down vel­vet dunes
I chase the third side of the moon.
In vain, oh, in vain, oh, etern­ity is two,
But nev­er three is uni­on of fame.

The fame chooses the one like you.
And I am chosen by the fate.
The fame chooses the one like you.
And I am chosen by the fate.

The three is sac­red for the past
Where Lord had fun with flesh and dust,
Yet now is time for oth­er ways to dwell and die.
The three is sac­red for the past
Where Lord had fun with flesh and dust,
Yet now is time for oth­er ways to dwell and die.

The three is sac­red for the past,
And now is time to dwell and die.

Your mouth is crypt for the beau­ti­ful truth,
My ravens pecked the let­ters out of rules.
But still, yeah! Still, yeah!.. The free­dom dooms
To carry loads and bloom In flames.

The fame chooses the one like you…
The fame chooses the one like you,
And I am chosen by the fate.

I'm a cross­road, and you're straight
Like road to Hell.
I'm a cross­road, and you're straight
Like road to Hell.

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