Violet Silhouette – Strange Wind

Violet Silhouette - Strange Wind (Cover artwork)Official music video 'Strange Wind' per­formed by 'Violet Silhouette'. Directed by Roberto Badillo. The song is taken from the EP 'Feverblue'.

The US artist Violet Silhouette presents a fas­cin­at­ing mix­ture of synth-pop and dark­wave with his song 'Strange Wind'. In this ener­get­ic track, dark elec­tron­ic sounds meet soft dark­wave ele­ments and take the listen­er into a world that could have sprung (syn­thes­izer based) from the cyber­punk and dark synth universe.

Provided with a driv­ing and crisp mood, 'Strange Wind' clev­erly com­bines dif­fer­ent sound worlds. The basis of the song con­sists of dark, elec­tron­ic ele­ments that cre­ate a mys­tic­al atmo­sphere and imme­di­ately cap­ture the listener's atten­tion. The pulsat­ing beats cre­ate a cer­tain energy that drives the song for­ward and unfolds an infec­tious effect.

Despite the mod­er­ate tempo of this track, it is impossible not to sur­render to the dance rhythm. The com­bin­a­tion of the strik­ing syn­thes­iser sounds and the gentle dark­wave ele­ments cre­ates a unique sound­scape that puts the listen­er in a dreamy yet ener­get­ic mood. 'Strange Wind' lit­er­ally invites you to leave every­day life behind and immerse your­self in a music­al escape.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Violet Silhouette – Strange Wind' on Spotify

Listen to 'Violet Silhouette – Strange Wind' on Bandcamp

Violet Silhouette about 'Strange Wind'

Violet Silhouette return with their single “Strange Wind.” The pulsat­ing, intox­ic­at­ing track, inspired by the peak of 80’s indus­tri­al com­bined with the mod­ern­ity of today’s post­wave scene, is cre­ated for those who dance to the dark­er side of life. The track is just a small glimpse into the expans­ive music­al uni­verse on the band’s upcom­ing EP “FEVERBLUE” set to release in 2023:

“This is a hard dance track stormed with warm pulsat­ing synths, glassy gui­tars, and col­la­ging sound­scapes layered behind eth­er­e­al, yearn­ing vocal melod­ies on drum machine sounds inspired by an early 80’s indus­tri­al past.” – VIOLET SILHOUETTE

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