Absurd Minds – Sapta

Focused on disorientation

Absurd Minds - Sapta

Album facts

Release Date: April 3rd 2020
Label: Scanner / Dark Dimensions Label Group
Genre: , , ,
Discogs: Link
Partially sounds like: Project Pitchfork, De/Vision, Sisters Of Mercy, Depeche Mode

"'Sapta' (Sanskrit) – stands for sev­en in Old Indian. And while this num­ber is men­tally charged with all kinds of attri­bu­tions and vari­ous con­cepts, it was the inspir­a­tion for the nam­ing of the latest strike of the elec­tro form­a­tion 'Absurd Minds' and iden­ti­fies itself as their sev­enth full­time album.", says the offi­cial intro­duc­tion to the press release. In front of us is the suc­cessor of 'Tempus Fugit', which soun­ded like a gren­ade. So the expect­a­tions for the sev­enth album are high.

The album con­tains tempo-driv­en pieces for dan­cing and emo­tion­al low-tempo songs to feel and to reflect. Topically, the album 'Sapta' deals with the gen­er­al dis­or­i­ent­a­tion of our time.

Positive melancholy

'Carry The Flag' begins quietly and gloomily car­ried, only to build up pres­sure and speed after about a minute. The chor­us is lif­ted with a fine light­ness, which brings a lot of dynam­ics into the track. Metallic cool elec­tron­ics dom­in­ate here and set a strong con­trast to the deep, warm vocals. At the end the strings start strong and com­plete the song in an almost epic way. A fant­ast­ic open­er for the new 'Absud Minds' album.

The second song 'Dead End' moves towards Electro Rock. But the rugged elec­tric gui­tars are used very care­fully and nev­er quite take over the sound. The melody is play­ful and typ­ic­al Synthie Pop. Also the inter­spersed, angel-like vocals soften the rough core of the track. The mix is what makes the dif­fer­ence and that's right for this won­der­ful song.

When the female, phon­et­ic vocals and elec­tric gui­tars start on the fourth song 'Descent', I am men­tally and emo­tion­ally with the 'Sisters Of Mercy' and Ofra Haza. It's nice when nos­tal­gia and new music com­bine and give a famil­i­ar atmo­sphere, even though you hear a song for the first time. The elec­tric gui­tars and bass line have that typ­ic­al 80's Amiga com­puter sound, which is often over­used in the new­er Synthwave scene today. But here it is used more subtly and har­mon­izes per­fectly with the song.

A guiding light

The song 'Transformation' sounds at first like a pos­it­ively tuned pop pearl. But the lyr­ics leave enough room for inter­pret­a­tion towards mel­an­choly and optim­ism. The chor­us is quite catchy and after a short time you can already sing along. Emotionally the song spreads good vibes for a rather ser­i­ous album.

We see the light and call it dawn
Lyrics from 'Transformation' by Absurd Minds

Absurd Minds (Promo photo 2020)
Absurd Minds (Promo photo 2020)

The song 'Saviours' is pro­found and mys­ter­i­ous. It sounds crazy and unfor­tu­nately I don't have the inform­a­tion about it at the moment, but in the chor­us the second voice sounds like the one of 'Ozzy Osbourne'. If this inform­a­tion is not cor­rect, which I can well ima­gine, then con­grat­u­la­tions and respect to the second voice. At least the vocals fit per­fectly to the bleak atmo­sphere and the slow tempo.

Like the soundtrack of an epic tragedy of a japan­ese movie 'A Light That Shone' begins. With mel­an­chol­ic strings and bam­boo sticks banging against each oth­er in the dis­tance. Then fol­lows an ingeni­ous wob­bling synth sound before the basic beat starts. The warm synth melody and the dis­tor­ted, metal­lic sound­ing rat­tling noises remind of the 'Depeche Mode' sound of the 80s. Lyrically the song makes you feel sad and thought­ful. The track is def­in­itely a high­light on the album 'Sapta'.

'Turning Away' starts with a lot of energy, a lively beat and full of elec­tron­ics. With fant­ast­ic robot vocals and the typ­ic­al "Pitchfork piano" the song takes big steps for­ward and builds up a lot of ten­sion. The song is per­fect for the dance­floor in a dark club.

[…] we turn­ing away and we left it all, the lov­ing touch and lov­ing kiss, is all the things we'll surly miss
Lyrics from 'Turning Away' by Absurd Minds

A bright shine at the end

The song 'Mouvement' is not a spelling mis­take, the chor­us is per­formed here in French. The song is a very quiet low-beat tune with a lot of emo­tions and moments of goose­bumps. The bilin­gual­ism gives the song a unique and spe­cial pos­i­tion on the album and makes it stand out a bit. The synths are selec­ted very warm and feel almost analog.

Another great song awaits us with 'One Blood' almost at the end of the album. Right at the begin­ning a sample of a girl laugh­ing and then the beat starts. And how fant­ast­ic­ally bril­liant it is when you are reminded son­ic­ally of a clas­sic album like 'Fairyland' by 'De/Vision'. Only in a fresh sound dress in the year 2020, and the "Little Girls" samples in the break make me shiver. This song is one of my abso­lute high­lights on 'Sapta' and I hope that the club DJs will bring this song to the dancefloors.

We feel the bound­ar­ies, we just feel pure and real, we are one blood, we're all the same
Lyrics from 'One Blood' by Absurd Minds

Is "seven" a lucky number for Absurd Minds?

Absurd Minds have once again out­done them­selves with 'Sapta'. There are 12 songs on the sev­enth album and not a single gap-filler is included. I bow to this strong per­form­ance. If I had any­thing to cri­ti­cize, it would be at most the bad, unbal­anced logo in the middle of the album cov­er. But this is not part of the rat­ing. Apart from that I say: "Buy, buy, buy … oh yes, and go to the con­certs".

By the way, this album also made it into our art­icle 'The best Synth Pop and genre-related albums 2020'. Read now.

Track By Track Rating

Absurd Minds - Sapta
Absurd Minds – Sapta
Carry The Flag
Dead End
A Light That Shone
Turning Away
One Blood
More Than One
Carry The Flag
A Light That Shone
Turning Away
One Blood
(Nothing to report here)

Listen to the official album preview:

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Carry The Flag
Dead End
A Light That Shone
Turning Away
One Blood
More Than One
Final Score