The best Synth Pop and genre-related albums 2017

Best albums 2017

A year full of great gloomy music

With the grow­ing of the Electrozombies webz­ine, also the num­ber of reviews grows annu­ally. Unfortunately, due to lack of capa­city, we were only able to review a frac­tion of the sub­mis­sions. However, we have recently new authors in our team and we are look­ing pos­it­ively into the year 2018. We are still look­ing for more authors! If you are inter­ested, then look at all the inform­a­tion here and apply now: Recruitment – Become an Electrozombies member

The place­ments include also some albums from the year 2016. These were released rel­at­ively late in 2016 or we received the promo copy very late. So we could not review these albums until 2017. So that these great albums do not fall into obli­vi­on and deserve the hon­or they are lis­ted here.

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Top 20 of the best Synth Pop and genre related albums 2017

20. Scandroid – Monochrome

Scandroid - Monochrome - Upcoming album

Read the full review here

19. Angelspit – Black Dog Bite

Angelspit - Black Dog Bite - preview

Read the full review here

18. Telekon – Hope For Believers

Telekon Hope For Believers

Read the full review here

17. Massive Ego – Beautiful Suicide

Massive Ego Beautiful Suicide preview

Read the full review here

16. Omnimar – Poison

Omnimar Poison

Read the full review here

15. Black Nail Cabaret – Dichromat

Black Nail Cabaret - Dichromat

Read the full review here

14. Eisfabrik – Null Kelvin

Eisfabrik - Null Kelvin - Upcoming album

Read the full review here

13. A Million Machines – A Million Machines

A Million Machines - s/t preview

Read the full review here

12. X‑Marks The Pedwalk – Secrets

X Marks The Pedwalk Secrets

Read the full review here

11. Garek – Take The King

Garek Take The King Vol 1

Read the full review here

10. Me The Tiger – What Is Beautiful Never Dies

Me The Tiger - What Is Beautiful Never Dies

Read the full review here

9. Eisfabrik – Achtzehnhundertunderfroren

Eisfabrik Achtzehnhundertunderfroren

Read the full review here

8. Felix Marc – Alternative Facts

Felix Marc Alternative Facts preview

Read the full review here

7. Absurd Minds – Tempus Fugit

Absurd Minds Tempus Fugit preview

Read the full review here

6. Faderhead – Night Physics

Faderhead - Night Physics - Coming soon

Read the full review here

5. Boytronic – Jewel

Boytronic - Jewel - upcoming album

Read the full review here

4. Erasure – World Be Gone

Erasure World Be Gone

Read the full review here

3. Gary Numan – Savage
(Songs Of A Broken World)

Gary Numan Savage preview

Read the full review here

2. Priest – New Flesh

Priest - New Flesh

Read the full review here

1. Depeche Mode – Spirit

Best album 2017: Depeche Mode - Spirit

Praise the awe­some over­all score of 4.33 stars, 'Depeche Mode' has cre­ated a revolu­tion­ary, great album again. For me per­son­ally the best since my favour­ite album 'Ultra'. We thank and con­grat­u­late Martin Gore, Dave Gahan, Andrew Fletcher and all those involved in the production.

Read the full review here

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Do you think we missed an awesome album in 2017?

Please leave us a line in the com­ment sec­tion below. We are curi­ous about your favour­ite album(s) in 2017.

Did you like the list?

We really would appre­ci­ate, if you would share this post and spread the word of the best albums 2017 via your social channels.

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  1. Depeche Mode's "Spirit" is dire with a cap­it­al D, awful album. I liked Erasure's new album, how­ever, it was com­pletely ruined by the pro­cessing on Andy Bell's vocals, he sounds like he has a bad lisp on nearly every track, which is a shame as the songs are quite strong. OMD's "The Punishment Of Luxury" is num­ber 1 for me, Metroland's "12 X 12" was an out­stand­ing release (I'm look­ing for­ward to the new album by them out soon). I men­tion too for Daily Planet's "Play Rewind Repeat", a superb album.

    Empathy Test's "Safe From Harm" anoth­er excel­lent album as was Gary Numan's "Savage". As someone else has men­tioned "Pain Is Love" by T.O.Y is an excel­lent album.

    Another huge dis­ap­point­ment was the new Hurts album "Desire", their first 3 albums are excel­lent but the new album is awaful (file next to "Spirit").

  2. I cant under­stand how OMD. Alphaville and Daily plan­ets new efforts could be omit­ted from this list. They are at least in my top 5!

    1. We really would have liked to review the latest OMD release. But unfor­tu­nately we didn't receive a promo copy. Same thing for Alphaville. That's the reas­on why they don't appear in this list.

  3. Agreed you totally missed Zynic should have been some­where on that list– my list went like this
    1.OMD – Punishment of Luxury
    2. Tangerine Dream – Quantum Gate
    3. Andreas Spechtl – Thinking about Tomorrow
    4. Eric Random – Words made Flesh
    5. Zynic – Neon Oblivion
    6. Fader – First Light
    7. Daniel B Prothese – Uberlastung
    8. Harold Grosskopf/Kranemann – Krautwerk
    9 Metroland – 12 x 12
    10 Der Plan – unkapitulierbar
    11 The Bug vs earth – Concrete desert
    12 Richard H Kirk – Dasein
    13 Martial Canterel – Navigations 1–3
    14 Nightly Closures ‑Nocturnal Remissions
    15 Depeche Mode – Spirit
    16 Moonwiring Club – Cateared Choclatiers
    17 Kreidler – European Song
    18 Annie + Itchy – Nouveau Noir
    19 Cut Copy Haiku from zero
    20 Edward Kaspel + Amanda Palmer – Spin Me a Rainbow

  4. My Top SynthWave Albums 2017:
    1. Zynic “Neon Oblivion”
    2. Felix Marc “Alternative Facts”
    3. Absurd Minds “Tempus Fugit”
    4. Namnambulu “Borders”
    5. T.O.Y. “Pain is Love”
    6. Electro Spectre “Been Too Long”
    7. Scheuber “Changes”
    8. Level 2.0 “Resurgence”
    9. 5TimesZero “ZeroK”
    10. Massive Ego “Beautiful Suicide”

      1. Hi InKanu,
        Since I can’t edit my post above, this should make you feel bet­ter. I didn’t think any­one actu­ally read these except web­site mod­er­at­or. Lol. 

        My Top SynthWave Albums or EPs for 2017:
        1. Zynic “Neon Oblivion”
        2. Felix Marc “Alternative Facts”
        3. Absurd Minds “Tempus Fugit”
        4. Namnambulu “Borders”
        5. T.O.Y. “Pain is Love”
        6. Electro Spectre “Been Too Long” (EP Release date: June 19, 2017)
        7. Scheuber “Changes”
        8. Level 2.0 “Resurgence”
        9. 5TimesZero “ZeroK”
        10. Massive Ego “Beautiful Suicide”

        My Songs of the Year are:
        Felix Marc “Fine Line” feat Boris May
        In Good Faith “Choose Your Way”
        5TimesZero “Don’t You Push Me”

  5. Some of my favour­ite albums were already men­tioned by oth­ers, and some belong to com­pletely dif­fer­ent genres, but I want to add:
    Daily Planet – Play Rewind Repeat
    Versus – Freakwaves
    Spectra Paris – Retromachine Betty
    Palast – Palast

  6. For me TOY was one of the best album in the year.
    Alphaville: strange attractor
    boytron­ic : Jewel
    the sound of arrows : stay free
    high­er sense : halfway between
    Equatronic : Pulsatile
    hurts : desire
    Felix marc : altern­at­ive facts
    nor­dika : ecstasy
    namn­am­bulu : borders
    Zynic : Neon oblivion
    Etage Neun : This too shall pass
    Ultranoir: Intonaut
    and from very end of 2016 : Logic and Olivia : PINK
    one incred­ible band.

  7. That Depeche Mode album is ter­rible. The music is a bor­ing dirge with no inter­est­ing melod­ies or sounds, and much of the lyr­ics are embar­rass­ingly bad ("The train is coming…")

    The rest of your list is pretty sol­id. Many I agree with (Gary Numan, Absurd Minds, X Marks) and some stuff I haven't heard yet that I'll take a listen to.

    1. Chris, I agree with you about the D‑Mode album. I didn’t like it at all for everything you stated.

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