Best music videos 2018

Best music videos 2018

Creativity instead of budget

In 2018, our eyes were spoiled with won­der­ful music videos. And again and again, I'm fas­cin­ated that cre­ativ­ity is more worth than a big budget. While large major labels still believe that a music video must cost mil­lions to attract atten­tion and suc­ceed, here's a lesson.

Enjoy these inspir­ing music videos now and sub­scribe to our YouTube chan­nel.

The playlist ‘Best music videos 2018’ contains (without ranking)

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  1. Excellent list! I would add Ari Mason's "Vodka Rocks", which fits the mold of not being big budget, but is per­fect for the haunt­ing lyr­ics of her song.

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