Angry Pete – Run Away With Me

Angry Pete - Lost In RealityAngry Pete's 'Run Away With Me' is a synth-pop song that cap­tiv­ates with its energy and driv­ing nature. When I first heard the track, I was impressed by the clas­sic song struc­ture and 140 bpm tempo. The dynam­ics between the verse and chor­us are per­fectly bal­anced, and the melody is extremely catchy and can quickly get stuck in your head.

What I par­tic­u­larly like about this song are the subtly inter­woven sci-fi effects that break up the flow of the sound and give the song a unique atmo­sphere (for example at 0:53min). It is per­fectly integ­rated into the arrange­ment and fits seam­lessly into the song. It shows that the artist pays a lot of atten­tion to detail.

One of the few weak points of the song is the drum beat, which in my opin­ion, sounds too much like a gen­er­ic pre­set. Although it fits well in the mix and drives the song, I would have liked a more unique and ori­gin­al beat. This is just a minor per­son­al opin­ion and has no influ­ence on the qual­ity of the song as a whole.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Angry Pete – Run Away With Me' on Spotify

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