EM_LEN – This Is The Way

Mysterious and melancholic: “This Is The Way” by EM_LEN

EM_LEN - This Is The Way"This Is The Way" com­bines clas­sic ele­ments with a con­tem­por­ary sound that fits seam­lessly into today's music land­scape. It is more than just a remin­is­cence of icons like "New Order" and "Depeche Mode"; it is a fresh inter­pret­a­tion that is both nos­tal­gic and novel.

"This Is The Way" is char­ac­ter­ised by its crisp and har­mo­ni­ous sound struc­tures. The selec­tion of sounds is pre­cise and pro­motes an atmo­sphere that is both mys­ter­i­ous and deeply mel­an­chol­ic. This sound­scape provides the per­fect stage for the deep and decis­ive vocals, which give the piece a ser­i­ous and haunt­ing char­ac­ter. The lyr­ics of the song are multi-layered and leave room for per­son­al inter­pret­a­tions, a qual­ity that fans of the genre will undoubtedly appreciate.

The song title "This Is The Way" ini­tially evoked asso­ci­ations with the series "The Mandalorian", but it quickly becomes clear that EM_LEN is fol­low­ing a nar­rat­ive path of its own here. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "EM_LEN – This Is The Way" on Spotify

Listen to "EM_LEN – This Is The Way" on Spotify

Lyrics of "EM_LEN – This Is The Way"

What you nev­er said I’ll nev­er let go
If I’m breath­ing air how would you know?

Deep inside are words, thoughts and my dreams
You can cast them aside so it may seem
From inside it’s no fault of my own
That I could not see a way to get home

I found a way to make it right
I found a reas­on to get high on your light
I found a way to hold it tight
I found a reas­on to get more of your time.

I found a way

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