Mike Soss – Our Love Is Sold

Electro pop with a pinch of naivety: "Our Love Is Sold"

Mike Soss - Our Love Is SoldIn the vast ocean of elec­tro pop, Mike Soss stands out with his latest track "Our Love Is Sold". This song brings with it a mix­ture of catchi­ness and a well-tempered vibe that makes it stand out from the crowd. The song's melody is imme­di­ately catchy, the tempo is pleas­ant, and the timbre is pleas­ing to the ear. It's the kind of music you can enjoy without get­ting car­ried away by swirls of water that are too deep.

For lov­ers of elec­tron­ic music who are par­tic­u­larly close to the goth­ic scene, how­ever, "Our Love Is Sold" might lack a cer­tain edgi­ness and gloom­i­ness. The song moves with­in a rel­at­ively safe elec­tro pop frame­work without drift­ing too far into exper­i­ment­al or dark­er realms. Nevertheless, the track doesn't lose any of its charm and could well be a music­al gem for those with a foot in the pop universe.

Although "Our Love Is Sold" could have been a tad rough­er and more mys­ter­i­ous for my taste, there's no deny­ing that Mike Soss knows how to cre­ate an access­ible and pleas­antly naive elec­tro pop song. This song is cer­tainly not a revolu­tion­ary break­through, but it is a sol­id piece of music that bridges the gap between elec­tron­ic light­ness and pop accessibility.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Mike Soss – Our Love Is Sold" on Spotify

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