Soft Faith – In The Dark

Soft Faith - In The Dark"Soft Faith" takes us on a nos­tal­gic jour­ney through the syn­thwave land­scape with their latest work "In The Dark". The song's intro floats in like a wave of futur­ist­ic nos­tal­gia, and I can't help but draw par­al­lels to mod­ern synth-pop gems like "Exorcism" by "Kat Von D" or the ver­sat­ile sounds of "Blackbook". A prom­ising start that makes the ears pay attention.

Right at the begin­ning the vocals come to mind, and here I have to think of the sound cos­mos of "William Control". A con­tro­ver­sial state­ment per­haps, but for people famil­i­ar with the artist, the vocals of Aaron Thompson (Empty Streets) on Soft Faith become a real treat for the ears. But Kenneth Fletcher (The Neuromantic Boys) also shows an impress­ive abil­ity to com­bine a cap­tiv­at­ing melody with a touch of dance­ab­il­ity, deftly vary­ing between the nuances of the sound.

"In The Dark" is drenched in an ener­get­ic atmo­sphere that lit­er­ally invites you to dance. The melody car­ries a mel­an­chol­ic note that sim­ul­tan­eously envel­ops us in a gloomy mood and yet does not let our feet stand still. The com­bin­a­tion of catchy melody and care­fully tuned vari­ations in the sound gives the song a bal­ance that cap­tiv­ates the listen­er from begin­ning to end.

With "In The Dark", Soft Faith has cre­ated a track that cap­tures the essence of syn­thwave and weaves it with mod­ern influ­ences to cre­ate an enti­cing son­ic pack­age. Whether you're look­ing for a rous­ing dance exper­i­ence or just want to be intox­ic­ated by the elec­tron­ic mel­an­choly, this song deliv­ers. So strap in and let the wavy sounds of Soft Faith carry you into the darkness.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Soft Faith – In The Dark' on Spotify

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