YuKnoWatt – Duality (Feat. Julie Trouvé, Gigowatts)

"Duality": An energetic retro trip with Julie Trouvé

YuKnoWatt - Duality (Feat. Julie Trouvé, Gigowatts)From the depths of the French elec­tron­ic music scene, "YuKnoWatt" takes us straight back to the era of 80s sci­ence fic­tion with his latest track "Duality". With its clichéd sci-fi flair, the intro to the song cel­eb­rates the era when neon lights and futur­ist­ic vis­ions dom­in­ated the sil­ver screen. It quickly becomes clear that "Duality" is more than just a ret­ro­spect­ive; it is a care­fully har­mon­ised fusion of past and present.

Julie Trouvé's vocals float com­fort­ably over the min­im­al­ist synth lines, giv­ing the track an emo­tion­al depth that is often lack­ing in elec­tron­ic music. Her voice is the centrepiece of the song, around which everything revolves.

Despite the typ­ic­al elec­tric gui­tar bridge, which could well be cri­ti­cised by pur­ists of elec­tron­ic music, the over­all sound of the track remains bear­able and well-bal­anced. The pro­duc­tion main­tains a bal­ance between nos­tal­gia and con­tem­por­ary sound­scapes, mak­ing "Duality" a must for fans of the genre.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "YuKnoWatt – Duality (Feat. Julie Trouvé, Gigowatts)" on Spotify

Listen to "YuKnoWatt – Duality (Feat. Julie Trouvé, Gigowatts)" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "YuKnoWatt – Duality (Feat. Julie Trouvé, Gigowatts)"

Every day it's the same thing
You live out­side yourself
Days get grey­er and greyer
You miss your life
But there's still a voice inside your head
It's the lost child.

There's a child inside your head
He's wait­ing for you
You have to shake him
You have to move him
To make him alive

Sometimes there is a lull and you can hear him
The child who plays with dreams.
You can­not find the words of your own story : it's time to wake up
Light's nev­er far away when you know where's the lost child

There's a child inside your head
He's wait­ing for you
You have to shake him
You have to move him
To make him alive

There's a child inside your head
He's wait­ing for you
You have to shake him
You have to move him
To make him alive

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