Frau Knotz – Runway Of Reality

Frau Knotz - Runway Of Reality (Cover artwork)Official music video for the synth pop song 'Runway Of Reality' per­formed by New Zealand artist 'Frau Knotz'. The song has a strong 80s synth pop / new wave influ­ence. The vocals on this track are some­thing spe­cial. I couldn't get it out of my mind that the chor­us sounds like it was sung with an android vocal style. Is it just me or do you hear it too? Please write me your opin­ion about it in the com­ments.

The song has a good dance tempo, wheth­er it is suit­able for a dark wave / synth pop dance floor, even I can't really judge. It prob­ably depends. However, the song is very suit­able for listen­ing to in the car or in a club atmo­sphere. In addi­tion, I can ima­gine the song very well in vari­ous theme-related playl­ists. We are curi­ous to hear what else 'Frau Knotz' (funny name, by the way, from a German point of view) will be offer­ing in the future.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Frau Knotz – Runway Of Reality' on Spotify

Listen to 'Frau Knotz – Runway Of Reality' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'Frau Knotz – Runway Of Reality'

If I were the joker would you laugh at me?
Til the girl behind the mask becomes the one she pre­tends to be
If the future’s a game would you be play­ing with me?
We roll the dice to destiny

When will we real­ise that all the faces in the water are just
Figments of our ima­gin­a­tion, taken from some old stor­ies way back

When will we real­ise that all the phases of our lives are all our
Favourite red dresses we wear for a time,
Only to be nev­er worn again

If I were a cat­walk would you strut on me?
With the cam­er­as flash­ing, I’m detach­ing you from reality
But none of your out­fits seem to fit with me
Sanctify my nudity

When will we real­ise that all the faces in the water are just
Figments of our ima­gin­a­tion, taken from some old stor­ies way back

When will we real­ise that all the phases of our lives are all our
Favourite red dresses we wear for a time,
Only to be nev­er worn again.

Frau Knotz about 'Runway Of Reality'

Runway of Reality explores the corners of fash­ion and iden­tity; how we express our iden­tity through fash­ion and how fash­ion can shape our iden­tity in turn. Frau Knotz’ second single Runway of Reality chron­icles the mul­ti­tude of fads and phases we pass through in our lives, through a lens of dar­ing play­ful­ness and vogue dramaturgy.

With an 80s dark­wave dance club feel, a super catchy hook, a driv­ing tech house beat with heav­ily syn­co­pated vocals and a touch of Mulholland Drive. “It’s my hype song,” says Lauren, “the one I blast in the car on a Friday night. I like to call the genre dance­able dark­wave. I love to play dress-ups. I change the way I look often, and enjoy doing the same with my sound. This tune is the­at­ric­al and dra­mat­ic with a whole bunch of influ­ences like Kavinsky, Vangelis (Blade Runner soundtrack) and Royksöpp.”

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