They Die – Single Frame

Official music video for the dark wave song 'Single Frame' per­formed by 'They Die' taken from the album 'Emptiness Prevails'.

Listen to 'They Die – Single Frame' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'They Die – Single Frame'

Empty glasses
reflect your eyes
your farewell party
your greet­ing forever
the trace of your lips
your favor­ite lipstick
the bit­ter taste of your lies

they were dan­cing whis­per­ing sad words
their bod­ies forced into tight clothes
they were cry­ing remem­ber­ing the contrast
united in a single frame
single frame

it wets my face
a memory that fades by play­ing with your shape
the scent of your hair
expand­ing in the void
don't forget…I was your toy

they were dan­cing whis­per­ing sad words
their bod­ies forced into tight clothes
they were cry­ing remem­ber­ing the contrast
united in a single frame
single frame

the last steps sink in the floor
your game con­cluded, no winner
the eyes are mir­ror­ing, the mir­ror is broken
the silent pain…of splinters

they were dan­cing whis­per­ing sad words
their bod­ies forced into tight clothes
they were cry­ing remem­ber­ing the contrast
united in a single frame
single frame

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