System Syn – If It Doesn't Break You

System Syn - If It Doesn't Break You

Album facts

Release: March 12th, 2021
Label: Self release
Genre: , ,
Discogs: System Syn – If It Doesn't Break You
Partially sounds like: Imperative Reaction

Quick rating

3.92 ★★★★☆

More than just a common remix album

Clint Carney sent me his new remix album "If It Doesn't Break You" at the begin­ning of February, just to give it a listen. I'm not a big fan of remix albums per se. But Clint Carney made me curi­ous with the words: "[…] It’s got remixes by Aesthetic Perfection, Assemblage 23, God Module, Imperative Reaction, and more, plus cov­ers of “Someday” by the Strokes, “Common People” by Pulp, and a brand new ori­gin­al track too. Anyway, if you have a chance to check it out some­time, I’vd love to hear what you think. […]". Of course, I was very inter­ested in the new track and the two cov­er ver­sions. Admittedly, also a little bit the top-class remix ver­sions of Aesthetic Perfection, Imperative Reaction and Assemblage 23. And since I was allowed to review the extremely fant­ast­ic album 'Once Upon A Second Act' last year and I really loved it, I thought, c' mon give this thing a shot.

A remix album made with passion

The album broken down in a nut­shell. The remix ver­sions are all con­sist­ently bom­bast­ic. You know the songs and yet you dis­cov­er them in a new way. The beau­ti­ful thing is that the remixes really sound fresh and have not simply been shred­ded bey­ond recog­ni­tion. Only the track 'Weightless (Saucerdrum Remix)' didn't con­vince me at all, but I didn't find it that strong on the album 'Once Upon A Second Act' either.

The first few tones of 'I Don't Belong Here' reminds me strongly to the track 'The Perfect Drug' by 'Nine Inch Nails', just a little slower. But than it turns quickly to a won­der­ful bal­lad, that melts your heart. And even if it sounds totally crazy, Clint's vocals are unique and beau­ti­ful, but for the first time I can com­par­ably hear the voice of Peter Heppner (Wolfsheim) on this track. Soothing and soft with super clearly sung lyr­ics. I just want to note: This track is far away from being a b‑side!

Both cov­er ver­sions are per­fectly real­ised with enough ori­gin­al­ity. I per­son­ally like the cov­er ver­sion of 'Common People' from 'Pulp' best. Again, my brain is play­ing tricks on me. I was abso­lutely con­vinced that the ori­gin­al was from the 80s. But no, 'Common People' by 'Pulp' was released in 1995. Please one of you tell me that it's the same for you or am I going insane?

In the final ana­lys­is, the remix album "If It Doesn't Break You" is a must-buy for every 'System Syn' fan any­way. But also for all those who, like me, are not usu­ally into remix albums, should give this one a listen. Clint Carney didn't just have remixes pro­duced by oth­er bands, he also did it him­self and that makes the album spe­cial. 100% recom­mend­able.

Tracklist of "If It Doesn't Break You'

  1. We Had Time (Mercury Lust Remix)
  2. Once Upon a Second Act (Aesthetic Perfection Remix)
  3. Collapsing (God Module Remix)
  4. I Don't Belong Here
  5. Promise (Sea of Dead Faces Remix)
  6. Knives (Imperative Reaction Remix)
  7. King of Empty (AL1CE Remix) [feat Tash Cox]
  8. Someday (The Strokes Cover)
  9. The Wreckage (Assemblage 23 Remix)
  10. Common People (Pulp Cover)
  11. We Knew You When (Cult of Alia Remix)
  12. Nothing's Wrong (System Syn vs. Elias Black)
  13. Weightless (Saucerdrum Remix)

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