A Million Machines – A Million Machines

A Million Machines - A Million Machines

Album facts

Release: September 22nd, 2017
Label: Self release
Genre: , , ,
Discogs: Not avail­able yet

Machines made music

'A Million Machines' career began already in 2013 (Silverlake, CA) with pro­du­cer­/multi-instru­ment­al­ist MIG (The New Room) and sing­er Fate Fatal (of Gothic band, The Deep Eynde). Their first full-length album was sched­uled for release in Winter of 2016. Now the pro­duc­tion took a bit longer and this is good with the result.

Synthetic symphonies and tunes

The open­er 'Synthetic Eyes' offers the listen­er on what they can pre­pare them­selves. Pure elec­tron­ic music with a touch of 80s nos­tal­gia. If you like the first song, then I'm sure you'll love the album just as I already do.

The second song 'Undivided' is a win­ner! Ideally suited as the single because the song is beau­ti­ful catchy. In the upper mid-tempo range the track is a per­fect Synth Pop hit. Light-footed, yet very com­plex, it unfolds almost a spir­itu­al energy.

Something between Post-Punk and New Order

With a typ­ic­al 'New Order' sound starts the fourth num­ber called 'My Criminal Mind'. Classical claps samples, ana­logue SciFi effects and an uptempo beat that force you to dance are the fea­tures of this bril­liant song.

A Million Machines - Band Photo 2017
A Million Machines
Band Photo 2017

'The Ritual' is more of a futur­ist­ic song from the late 70s. Really warm synths and organs accom­pany the song in a rather mel­an­chol­ic basic mood. Imagine 'Johnny Cash' would have star­ted his music with syn­thes­izers. This is what it could sound like.

Much more Electrorock influ­ences can be found in the track 'Tech Support'. At this point, you real­ize how incred­ibly ver­sat­ile the band is and from which dif­fer­ent genres, the two gen­tle­men can oper­ate effort­lessly. Surely this is a song that will make the dance floor quake and the scene creatures will sweat.

The golden age of Synth Pop

"The sev­enth song on an album is always the best!", at least so it was called in my youth. In this case, you can get very close to this legend, as espe­cially the begin­ning strongly remin­is­cent of the sound of the early years of 'Depeche Mode'. This in turn is for me a qual­ity fea­ture that I like to love. However, 'Absence Without Leave' is self-suf­fi­cient enough not to be con­sidered as a clone.

'Ceremony' is also a strong Synth Pop track with no sig­ni­fic­ant weak­nesses. Beautiful ana­log synth effects in a clas­sic set­ting to a har­mon­ic­ally sound­ing voice.

The song 'Ultraflesh' presents itself in a lyr­ic­ally expli­cit and sound-tech­nic­ally mod­ern way. The beat of the song felt more anchored in the 90s. The song has a cer­tain snot factor that comes into the light, espe­cially with the bridge 'Don't be a motherfucker …'.


An abso­lutely awe­some debut album. With much joy and grow­ing enthu­si­asm I've listen this album. 'A Million Machines' is the best proof that Synth Pop is not dead. I can only strongly recom­mend any­one to buy this album on the spot. You won't regret it. I promise!

A free sample of the 'A Million Machines' song 'Undivided' is avail­able on the cur­rent Electrozombies com­pil­a­tion 'Undead And Open-Minded: Volume 3'. So just listen, trust Electrozombies and sup­port the band with a purchase!

By the way, this album also made it into our art­icle ‘The best Synth Pop and genre-related albums 2017‘. Read now.

Track By Track Rating

A Million Machines - A Million Machines
A Million Machines – A Million Machines
Synthetic Eyes
My Criminal Mind
The Ritual
Tech Support
Absence Without Leave
Come Tonight
My Criminal Mind
Tech Support
(Nothing to report here)

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Synthetic Eyes
My Criminal Mind
The Ritual
Tech Support
Absence Without Leave
Come Tonight
Final Score