Depeche Mode – Delta Machine (Deluxe Version)


A review on the limit

Wow! Every 'Depeche Mode' fan is excited to listen to 17 new tracks (!) that comes with the deluxe ver­sion of 'Delta Machine', includ­ing me as well. As a long time Depeche Mode fan it's really hard to do a track by track review.

How can I be object­ive enough? Of course I love the album, because it's from Depeche Mode. Do I have to be more crit­ic­al as usu­al? I prom­ise I will try my best to be hon­est and fair.

Solve the complexity, enjoy afterwards

When you first listen to 'Delta Machine' many songs were too com­plex. Simply too many lay­ers and effects. It is almost son­ic­ally run over by a train. Only after repeated listen­ing, the braid has solved acous­tic­ally. In this case this isn't an easy listen­ing album for the main stream listen­er. This is an pure fan album for all Depeche Mode devotees.

The first impact

The first impact does the song 'Angel' that should pro­mote the album with video foot­age from the stu­dio ses­sions. Unfortunaly the song nev­er was offi­cially released as single. I think this is one of the strongest songs on the album. It's raw, strong unusu­al off-beat, cool gui­tars and visu­ally the video is awesome.

Watch the 'In-Studio Collage 2012'

A ballad as first single?

The first offi­cial single was 'Heaven'. Having an album full of strong songs and choos­ing a bal­lad as first single is either brave or stu­pid. But with the point of view that this is a pure fan album it makes sense for me. The song is bril­liant, dark and mel­an­choly, and def­in­itely no song for any main­stream Top Ten charts.

Further I would recom­mend you the songs 'Soft Touch/Raw Nerve', 'Should Be Higher' and 'Soothe My Soul'. The album barly miss the 4‑star over­all score. But this don't make a bad album of it. For a die-hard fan this is a must-have without any excep­tion. If you just like some of their older, more pop­u­lar stuff, then it will be dif­fi­cult if you're not an open-minded listener.

Closing remarks

In gen­er­al this is a gor­geous and superb album, even 'DM' did it bet­ter a couple of times in the past. There are ups and downs to every devel­op­ment. And it takes a lot of pro­fes­sion­al skill and tal­ent to pro­duce such a mass of good songs. That not every song is a hit among is obvi­ous. But it would be pre­sump­tu­ous to judge this to be crit­ic­al. I love the album and I'm grate­ful for this huge album of over­whelm­ing songs.

By the way, this album also made it into our art­icle ‘The best Synth Pop and genre-related albums 2013‘. Read now.

Track By Track Rating

depeche mode delta machine album
Depeche Mode – Delta Machine (Deluxe Version)
Welcome To My World
Secret To The End
My Little Universe
The Child Inside
Soft Touch/Raw Nerve
Should Be Higher
Soothe My Soul
Long Time Lie
Happens All The Time
All That's Mine
Should Be Higher
Soothe My Soul
(Nothing to report here)

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