Ladytron – Time's Arrow

The good old Ladytron formula!?

Ladytron - Time's Arrow

Album facts

Release Date: January 20th, 2023
Label: Ladytron Music
Tags: , ,
Discogs: Ladytron – Time's Arrow
Partially sounds like: Marsheaux, Client
Final score: 3.4 stars

After a four-year hiatus, elec­tron­ic music pion­eers Ladytron return with their highly-anti­cip­ated new album "Time's Arrow". Following the suc­cess of their self-titled 2019 release 'Ladytron', the band has dropped two singles to tease the album, leav­ing fans eagerly await­ing its arrival. Join us as we take a deep dive into the album and see if it lives up to the hype.

An explosive opening: First track convinces instantly

'City of Angels' is a great open­er for Ladytron's album "Time's Arrow". As the first single, it sets the tone for the almost rest of the album and gives a taste of the band's typ­ic­al elec­tron­ic synth pop sound. The midtempo beat and catchy melody make it a per­fect intro­duc­tion to the album and a great way to get into the band's sound. After listen to the first new song I was already on fire.

'Faces' is a standout track on Ladytron's album "Time's Arrow". Although the offi­cial video may not have con­vinced me, the song itself is a bright and catchy elec­tro pop track. The use of typ­ic­al 70s organs gives it a retro feel, while still main­tain­ing the band's sig­na­ture sound and DNA in the song struc­ture. Overall, it's a fant­ast­ic addi­tion to the album and a must-listen for fans of the band.

Faces we've for­got­ten and
Faces we remem­ber to forget
Lyrics from 'Faces' by Ladytron

No risk taken: A lack of innovation

The song 'Misery Remember Me' starts off with poppy gui­tars. The song has a sad and tra­gic feel­ing, remin­is­cent of an 80s movie scene of being lost on a rainy night. However, in my opin­ion, not much hap­pens in the song and it comes across as quite mediocre. It might not be the strongest track on the album, but it's still worth listen­ing to it as a con­tinu­ity of the album.

'Flight From Angkor' is an intriguing song with a mys­ter­i­ous and dark intro fea­tur­ing sci-fi sounds. At least for a few seconds. The song has a slow tempo that gives it a sense of unease and ten­sion. The use of syn­thes­izer sounds is impress­ive and cre­ates a unique sound­scape. Although the build-up is well craf­ted, it lacks some dynam­ism that could make it more engaging.

Ladytron (Promo photo 2023)
Ladytron (Promo photo 2023)

With the song 'We Never Went Away', Ladytron wel­comes you to a mod­ern hip­pie com­mune with its laid-back and groovy beat. However, the beat may not be as enga­ging as some of the oth­er tracks on the album, and the leis­urely pace may not sweep you away. The drum sounds used in the song are remin­is­cent of the 90s, but they may come across as unin­spir­ing and don't add much to the over­all song. The com­bin­a­tion of sur­face sounds and the drum sounds glide through the song, but the 3:57 minutes may feel like an etern­ity, mak­ing it one of the less mem­or­able tracks on the album.

A bixed bag: A few strong tracks amidst the mediocre

The sixth song finally gets my atten­tion again. 'The Night' is likely to appeal to fans of synth pop. It's a more upbeat track com­pared to some of the oth­ers on the album, with a great­er vari­ety of sounds and instru­ments. The clear sound sep­ar­a­tion between verse and chor­us is par­tic­u­larly note­worthy, and it's a standout fea­ture of the song. The crisp beat is great and in my opin­ion, it's worth a single release. The song is a clas­sic synth pop track and the bridge is fant­ast­ic­ally arranged.

I remem­ber the times
I've wanted to hurt you
Yeah, I've wanted to hurt you
Lyrics from 'The Night' by Ladytron

'The Dreamers' is a bal­lad on Ladytron's album "Time's Arrow" that has a more mod­ern feel to it. Unlike some of the oth­er songs on the album, it dis­penses with the typ­ic­al 60s organs and instead cre­ates a unique aes­thet­ic and atmo­sphere that trans­ports the listen­er into a dark cyber­punk scen­ario. This is likely due to the robot­ic voices in the bridge, which add a sense of oth­er­world­li­ness to the song.

An unmemorable farewell: The weak closing tracks of the album

'Sargasso Sea' is a "not my cup of tea song" that is quite for­get­table, it serves as a short inter­lude and doesn't bring any­thing par­tic­u­larly new or note­worthy to the album. It might be con­sidered as a filler track and it doesn't add much to the over­all listen­ing exper­i­ence. Please don't stone me for this words, because it's just my per­son­al opin­ion about it.

The pen­ul­tim­ate song 'California' starts off with a soft 90s altern­at­ive pop/rock vibe, but as soon as the vocals come in, that mood quickly fades. The song is quite slow and mono­ton­ous, and per­son­ally, I don't find it to be one of the more enga­ging tracks on the album. The gui­tar work is also not to my taste. This song is likely to appeal more to the die-hard fans of the band, but for me, it doesn't work at all.

The last and album title track "Time's Arrow" is unfor­tu­nately mediocre. While some of the synth sounds are inter­est­ing, the over­all song does not stand out. The vocals, espe­cially in the first verse, give off a smoky, 1940s club vibe. The most note­worthy moment in the song is the ton­al switch at 2:48 minutes, which caught my atten­tion for a moment. Overall, the song is not bad, but it doesn't leave much of an impression.

The bottom line: An average album with a few highlights

Overall, Ladytron's album "Time's Arrow" is mediocre. While a few songs stand out, the major­ity of the album is for­get­table. The album is more likely to appeal to die-hard fans of the band. In my opin­ion, it is as incon­sequen­tial as the band's 2011 album 'Gravity The Seducer'.
I'm not one to pine for the past, but after the last albums, my hope for anoth­er 'Velocifero' or 'Witching Hour' from the band is get­ting lower and lower. The last album 'Ladytron' was at least close. The album lacks the energy, catchi­ness and the over­all sound that made Ladytron's earli­er albums so memorable.

Track by track rating for: Ladytron – Time's Arrow

Ladytron - Time's Arrow
Ladytron – Time's Arrow
City Of Angels
Misery Remember Me
Flight From Angkor
We Never Went Away
The Night
The Dreamers
Sargasso Sea
Time's Arrow
City Of Angels
The Night
Sargasso Sea

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City Of Angels
Misery Remember Me
Flight From Angkor
We Never Went Away
The Night
The Dreamers
Sargasso Sea
Time's Arrow
Final Score