Lucky+Love – Lucky+Love

Lucky+Love – Lucky+Love

Lucky And Love Lucky Love

Album facts

Release: June 30th, 2017
Label: SRD
Genre: , , ,
Discogs: Link

A good debut

The self-titled debut album of 'Lucky+Love' con­tains only 8 songs. Too much for an EP, but can it be called it a full-length album? In gen­er­al, I'd rather listen to a good, short album than an unne­ces­sar­ily bloated album with inter­ludes and instrumentals.

After the first listen­ing, I can tell that you can expect fresh Electropop in the style of 'Marsheaux' or 'Ladytron'. But does the debut album have the same high qual­ity and indi­vidu­al­ity like the great role models?

Familiar but new

The first seconds of the open­er 'Sexy' reminds me on the fam­ous 80s track 'She Drives Me Crazy' per­formed by 'Fine Young Cannibals'. In the first moment, you might think you hear a cov­er ver­sion of the song. But this idea dis­ap­pears when the vocals start.

The song is a good, but a mediocre Electropop track. In my opin­ion not really the best choice for an open­er. Beside the bridge the whole track is a bit too mono­ton­ous to me. There are oth­er tracks on the album that would do the job of the open­er in a bet­ter way.

Here we go

The second track is more my cup of tea. 'Venus' is a clas­sic sound­ing Electropop track with an early 2000s vibe. Arise from the glor­i­ous era of the fem­in­ine Electropop move­ment. Here the music­al roots are par­tic­u­larly good to hear. Especially worth men­tion­ing is the very well artic­u­lated and trans­form­able voice of April Love.

Lucky And Love Promo Picture 2017
Lucky+Love (Promo Picture 2017)

'Mars' con­vinces from the begin­ning through the com­bin­a­tion of the chat­ter­ing noise with the min­im­al­ist­ic beat. And here, too, April Love shows how var­ied her vocals are. This ranges from angel­ic to authoritarian.

Into the unknown

With the track 'You'll Never Know', the duo offers us anoth­er min­im­al­ist­ic sound con­struct. True to their style fol­lows it through many var­ied samples, sounds and instru­ments the 'Lucky+Love' sound. Acoustically, the song makes the thoughts start to dream, and yes, it already has some­thing meditative.

Digging in the past

The first single 'Digging In The Earth' from the debut of 'Lucky+Love' is def­in­itely one of the most catchy songs and an excel­lent choice to release this first. Especially the instru­ment­a­tion I find very inter­est­ing. The flutes / trum­pet sounds remind me a bit of the very early and still very naive 'Depeche Mode' songs, for example in 'Love In Itself'. However, the basic beat, and the short, elec­tron­ic gui­tar riffs is still very modern.

Upside down

It's unusu­al that the begin­ning of 'Taureon' is slowly faded in out of noth­ing. I can't remem­ber that I've ever heard some­thing like this any­where before. In gen­er­al, my motto is "Who fades out is coward!".

But in this great song it behaves com­pletely dif­fer­ent. Because in con­trast to the begin­ning is the end is very skilled and placed to the point exactly. The song behaves cor­rectly accord­ing to the nat­ur­al laws, but the song struc­ture seems to run in the oppos­ite dir­ec­tion. A sig­ni­fic­ant and cre­at­ive approach.

Are we lucky and in love?

'Lucky+Love' can be mighty proud of their debut. Of course, here and there are a few minor weak­nesses. It's miss­ing the whole thing a little more vari­ety, dens­ity and mod­u­lar­ity. But the gen­er­al way that the duo has taken might be very inter­est­ing for fans of already men­tioned bands such as 'Marsheaux' and 'Ladytron', as well as 'Marnie' or 'Chromatics'.

Listen worth here in any case! If a min­im­al­ist­ic Electropop with female vocals, which is more in the low-tempo range, affects your music­al taste, then access the debut of 'Lucky+Love'.

Track By Track Rating

Lucky And Love Lucky Love
Lucky+Love – Lucky+Love
You'll Never Know
Digging In The Earth
Legal Love
Full Moon
Digging in the Earth
(Nothing to report here)

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You'll Never Know
Digging In The Earth
Legal Love
Full Moon
Final Score