Our Banshee – 4200

Our Banshee - 4200Album facts

Release: October 20th, 2017
Label: Dependent Records
Genre: , , ,
Discogs: Link

A great debut

The debut record from Our Banshee is a great record. It is dance­able and evokes cold des­ol­ate feel­ings, fit­ting it into the EBM/Darkwave genres. The band is a syn­er­gist­ic com­bin­a­tion of Agi Taralas' (Cascade Falls) singing with Stefan Bohm's (Pzychobitch, Nullvektor) indus­tri­al over­tones. The duo have only recently star­ted the pro­ject Out Banshee, but have been cre­at­ing music togeth­er on and off again since 1992.

'4200' is a great record that takes some warm­ing up to, before fall­ing in love. It is a mix­ture of Electropop syn­thes­izer beats, Industrial samplings, cold melod­ies, and a vari­ety of vocal tech­niques that range from elec­tro-indus­tri­al harsh­ness to melod­ic ballads.

Dance and despair

The first half of '4200', is mostly pop­u­lated with good Electropop beats, some more mel­an­choly than oth­ers, all while evok­ing a cold indus­tri­al feel. The middle of the album becomes slightly one note at first listen, but after a few times through you start to appre­ci­ate the elec­tron­ic sub­tleties. I can't get some of these songs out of my head. The final three songs are mas­ter­pieces, per­fectly bal­an­cing vocals and melodies.

The record opens with 'Christ' that starts pretty brood­ing, but then quickly makes you want to move. It has catchy beats and an ear­worm chor­us. The album then moves into 'Devious' which is in the same vein as the open­er with anoth­er catchy chor­us.

Next up is 'The River.' It's much more brood­ing than its pre­de­cessors, evok­ing a cold des­ol­ate feel­ing both music­ally and lyr­ic­ally, talk­ing about winter clos­ing in. This makes it the per­fect soundtrack for those fall and winter months.

And the birds have ceased to sing, while the win­ters clos­ing in, and the raid will soon begin
Lyric line in 'The River' by Our Banshee

Up-tempo industrial

Our Banshee - Promo Photo 2017
Our Banshee (Promo photo 2017)

The tempo picks back up and the club vibes come back with 'It's Not Real' and then trans­itions into the only German lan­guage track on the album, 'Wenn Die Erde Bebt.' This song is up-tempo and indus­tri­al, end­ing with spoken word samples.

The earth shak­ing tune then trans­itions into 'Hope & Despair', which per­fectly char­ac­ter­izes the song. It starts off broody with a feel­ing of sor­row, but a few sec­tions are son­ic­ally more pos­it­ive, giv­ing you hope everything will be alright.

'The Answer' and 'You Had It Coming' con­tin­ue sim­il­ar artist­ic trends from the open­ing tracks.  'B2B' is a standout. At first it might seem out of left field. It opens with a sample of chil­dren singing and then has more aggress­ive vocals, closer to Aggrotech, but still has the up-tempo beats that char­ac­ter­ize the rest of the album.

The cold has come to stay

The last quarter of the album is where the duo really shines. All of the remain­ing songs have a cold, des­ol­ate feel­ing, sim­il­ar to 'Hope & Despair'. They're coated in mel­an­choly, mak­ing you feel like you're stand­ing alone star­ing out on an isol­ated arc­tic tundra.

'Undone To The Light' is along the lines of 'Hope & Despair.' More melod­ic and ton­al than the pre­vi­ous few songs. It has an open­ing of syn­thes­izer beats that set the atmo­sphere for the end of the record.

'Down & Out' rocks an 80s feel with the syn­thes­izer styl­ings. The chor­us is call and answer, mak­ing it easy to sing along to but the song is still panged with sad­ness that makes it beautiful.

I nev­er listened to you at all,
I'm nev­er miss­ing you at all,
And when I hap­pen to be so far away from what I wanted I'll be giv­ing it all,
And strike that feel­ing down and out
Lyric line in 'Down & Out' by Our Banshee

Closes out strong

'Endless'. I love it. It's got a groovy feel­ing and you really get to hear Taralas' tal­ent in this slower song. This song could be at home as the 10th track on Depeche Mode's Violator.

Overall, this is a sol­id debut album that should get into the col­lec­tion of any­one who likes cold music with indus­tri­al sub­tleties and killer vocals.

Track By Track Rating

Our Banshee - 4200
Our Banshee – 4200
The River
It's Not Real
Wenn Die Erde Bebt
Hope & Despair
The Answer
You Had It Coming
Undone To The Light
Down & Out
The River
(Nothing to report here)
Great debut

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The River
It's Not Real
Wenn Die Erde Bebt
Hope & Despair
The Answer
You Had It Coming
Undone To The Light
Down & Out
Final Score