Project Pitchfork – Look Up, I'm Down There


Look up, again a new Pitchfork album

'Project Pitchfork' has an enorm­ous out­put, espe­cially in the last years. I coun­ted 18 full length stu­dio albums in their long last­ing 26 year career. This is almost a new album every 1 1/2 year, without count­ing the many side pro­jects of Peter Spilles like as example 'Santa Hates You'. It seems they are the true music work­ahol­ics in the scene. But the big mil­lion ques­tion should be: "Does the quant­ity have a neg­at­ive impact on qual­ity?".

A personal Pitchfork retrospective

Personally I've to say that I really like and respect the band, but nev­er was a big fan of Pitchfork. My first con­tact was the fam­ous 'Alpha Omega' album. The self-titled song couldn't be ignored on the dance floors in the 90s.

Then I lost con­tact, but they get me back with the awe­some track 'Steelrose' taken from the album 'EON:EON'. I really love the album 'EON:EON' among with those clas­sics like 'Carnival' or 'I Live Your Dream'. The 2001 suc­cessor 'Daimonion' didn't touch me that way and so I lost sight.

Since then I noticed incid­ent­ally almost every new Pitchfork album. I did always a quick through listen­ing and find always some pearls on every record. Unfortunately I nev­er get a son­ic­ally access to a whole album again.

True titans of EBM and Industrial

When I saw the music video of 'Titânes' it really blows my mind. I was sit­ting in front of my com­puter screen and won­der­ing: "What the hell just hit my head?". It was the same feel­ing like watch­ing for the first time 'Steelrose' in the 90s. Praise whatever you praise to for this awe­some club smash­er track. It's a big raw beat that shows the EBM and indus­tri­al scene the teeth. The com­bin­a­tion of the sin­is­ter sound­ing organ melody and the highly syn­thes­ized elec­tric gui­tars drive me goose bumps onto my arms and makes me shudder.

Project Pitchfork – Promo Photo 2016

Pretty bleak and wonderful

The out­stand­ing fea­ture of the song 'Propaganda Child' is def­in­itely the medi­ev­al sound­ing organ. It has an inde­pend­ent char­ac­ter without los­ing the typ­ic­al Pitchfork sound col­or. While the fol­low­ing track 'Blind Eye' again sounds more con­tem­por­ary through the used drums. This mid-tempo song is gor­geous har­mon­ic and calms you down after the last two poten­tial club hits.

There is no time for relax­ing yet! A stut­ter­ing sound starts 'Pandora' and takes you onto a voy­age to an almost Synth Pop sound­ing song that is truly dance­able. And unlike as open­ing Pandora's box, through the pleas­ant samples and the euphor­ic tune the track sounds epic and enlight­en­ing.

In a more mel­an­chol­ic under­tone comes 'Sunset Devastation' along. A beau­ti­ful and very emo­tion­al track about the cycle of life, which gives hope but also sad­ness. The root tone remains the same in the fol­low­ing song 'Open With Caution'. Where sound­tech­nic­ally this song sounds more inter­est­ing. The inter­play of the vari­ous syn­thes­izer effects on the mid-tempo beat sounds ori­gin­al and gives the album a fur­ther variety.

Acoustically dynam­ic, the song 'Furious Numbers' con­tin­ues. This is anoth­er fant­ast­ic track for every dark disco. Despite the many clas­sic and typ­ic­al 'Pitchfork' ele­ments, the song sounds enorm­ously refresh­ing. Another strong song that I want to men­tion is 'Exile', with a 'Pitchfork' excep­tion­al beat. This up-tempo beat has some­thing extremely groovy. At the end, the beat whips up bril­liantly without fall­ing into stress.

Look up, the final result

This is one of the best 'Project Pitchfork' albums so far. And once again they have shown the proof that you are not get­ting older, but only bet­ter. Particularly worth men­tion­ing and praise­worthy is the fact that the 'Pitchfork' has not been trapped in time by sound engin­eer­ing. Incredibly var­ied, fresh and yet still true to their own style, which is rewar­ded with an unres­tric­ted pur­chase recommendation.

By the way, this album also made it into our art­icle ‘The best Synth Pop and genre-related albums 2016‘. Read now.

Track By Track Rating

Project Pitchfork Look Up Im Down There
Project Pitchfork – Look Up, I'm Down There
Into Orbit
Propaganda Child
Blind Eye
Look Up, I'm Down There
Sunset Devastation
Open With Caution
Furious Numbers
Sky Eye
Propaganda Child
(Nothing to report here)

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Into Orbit
Propaganda Child
Blind Eye
Look Up, I'm Down There
Sunset Devastation
Open With Caution
Furious Numbers
Sky Eye
Final Score