Solar Fake – You Win. Who Cares?

Solar Fake - You Win. Who Cares?

Album facts

Release: August 31st, 2018
Label: Out Of Line
Genre: , , ,
Discogs: Link

The next episode we've all been waiting for

After 'Another Manic Episode' released in 2015, Solar Fake are back with their new album 'You Win. Who Cares?'. To me, this is one of their darkest albums in terms of lyr­ics and you can lit­er­ally feel that they put a lot of strong emo­tions in it. Frustration, sad­ness and mere anger are beau­ti­fully woven into mel­an­chol­ic and some­times quite aggress­ive lyr­ics, accom­pan­ied by those typ­ic­al Solar Fake beats inter­twined with bit­ter­sweet piano chords.

The album cov­er is a clear hint at the album’s main theme: People being so self-absorbed that they are unable to see the destruc­tion they cause around them. Every single song seems like a last good­bye to these vam­pire-like per­sons who seem to suck you dry and leave you with noth­ing left.

21st century frivolity

'Sick Of You' is a per­fect open­er of the new album and sets you in the mood for all there is to come. Starting with soft e‑piano chords, the song quickly finds its way to a stronger elec­tron­ic pace. The lyr­ics clearly seem to aim not only at one per­son but a whole generation:

While fight­ing with that selfie stick, you look so dumb it makes me sick
Lyrics from ‘Sick Of You’ by Solar Fake

'Wrong Direction' takes up the same theme, in a more per­son­al way though. You can really grasp the regret as well as the dis­gust in his voice when he sings

I can’t pre­tend you’re any more than a joke to me
Lyrics from ‘Wrong Direction’ by Solar Fake

Solar Fake - Promo band photo 2018
Solar Fake – Promo band photo 2018

Starting at a faster pace, 'A Bullet Left For You' takes these feel­ings to anoth­er level. There clearly are “no more words to say” as dis­ap­point­ment and bit­ter­ness break loose.

“Destruction in small amounts”

'Invisible' abruptly slows you down and seems to catch you right in the middle of your most intim­ate feel­ings. The chorus’s almost dreamy sounds suck you in and make you feel as numb and depressed as one can be after a pain­ful breakup.

'Anything You Want' tears you out of the veil the last song covered you in and takes you right back to the mes­sage of the begin­ning. Caught between the des­per­a­tion of want­ing to hold on and the need to get away from it all, the sur­pris­ing switch in the song’s rhythm under­lines that there is no oth­er way but to break out.

I don't give a shit 'bout any­thing you say
Lyrics from 'Anything You Want' by Solar Fake

After these aggress­ive and brute words, the sad lyr­ics of 'The Pain That Kills You Too' feel full of regret. It has become clear that all the try­ing “to try harder” has been in vain and that estrange­ment has evolved too far as to leave any place for hope.

Taking on a faster pace again, 'Just Like This' bru­tally reminds you of how loneli­ness can para­lyze you to a point where you can neither go back nor for­ward. This song seems to be a last angry rebel­lion before the fall ahead.

Your life feels so impro­vised 'cause nothing's changed for you at all
Lyrics from 'Just Like This' by Solar Fake


'Too Late' marks a cut and you seem to com­pre­hend that it’s some­times bet­ter to “change your point of view” and leave all this mess behind.

I’m done with wear­ing masks just to impress some­body else
Lyrics from 'Too Late' by Solar Fake

The sud­den decis­ive­ness evoked in the lyr­ics almost feels cleans­ing and seems to wash away dis­ap­point­ment and bit­ter­ness. This quiet sooth­ing loneli­ness is developed fur­ther in 'If This Is Hope', where all the rage and pain have gone and made way for a mel­an­chol­ic peak.

After this cath­artic moment, it is all the more sur­pris­ing that we’re again con­fron­ted with the deep emo­tions of resig­na­tion and anger expressed earli­er. 'I Don’t Fight Back' sets a clear and dir­ect state­ment and reminds you that it is just not worth to lose any more words.

The last song of the album feels like the end of a dra­mat­ic play. The emphat­ic drums and piano chords of 'What If There’s Nothing' depict a doomed and almost apo­ca­lyptic scenery in which everything that remains “is just shattered and destroyed”.

As the melody slowly fades out, it leaves you breath­less for a moment and you can't help but won­der: “What if?” …

Let yourself be carried away

Solar Fake being one of my favour­ite bands, I can’t deny hav­ing had high expect­a­tions after 'Another Manic Episode'. 'You Win. Who Cares?' def­in­itely sur­prised me in a good way!

This album is for all those who are not afraid to embrace the dark­ness in them­selves – so just give in to it and let Solar Fake carry you into the void!

By the way, this album also made it into our art­icle ‘The best Synth Pop and genre-related albums 2018‘. Read now.

Track By Track Rating

Solar Fake - You Win. Who Cares?
Solar Fake – You Win. Who Cares?
Sick Of You 
Wrong Direction
A Bullet Left For You
Anything You Want
The Pain That Kills You Too
Just Like This
Too Late
If This Is Hope
I Don't Fight Back
What If There's Nothing
Sick Of You
Wrong Direction
The Pain That Kills You Too 
I Don't Fight Back
(Nothing to report here)

Most popular posts of the last 30 days

  1. 4.2
    A high­light in 2018

    Solar Fake have proved them­selves once again with a fant­ast­ic album. Melodic and gloomy I hope that it will con­tin­ue for years to come. 

    Leave A Review
    Sick Of You 
    Wrong Direction
    A Bullet Left For You
    Anything You Want
    The Pain That Kills You Too
    Just Like This
    Too Late
    If This Is Hope
    I Don't Fight Back
    What If There's Nothing
  2. This is by far their darkest offer­ing, I'm sur­prised you didn't men­tion "Fuck U", the most rampage‑y song on the album. Sven just sounds so done, it's quite some­thing to hear. It only feels like yes­ter­day that AME came out, but this is a fab­ulous fol­low up.

    1. We usu­ally review the stand­ard ver­sions, that's why I didn't men­tion "Fuck U". But I totally agree with you on this!

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Sick Of You
Wrong Direction
A Bullet Left For You
Anything You Want
The Pain That Kills You Too
Just Like This
Too Late
If This Is Hope
I Don't Fight Back
What If There's Nothing
Final Score