Corlyx present their Dark Pop album 'Music 2 F 2'

Corlyx - Music 2 F 2
Official cov­er art­work for 'Music 2 F 2'

Dark Pop from an Italian band located in Berlin

With the suc­cess of their first EP "One Of Us" deb­ut­ing on BBC Radio the pair have pulled from their love of 90's Rock and Dark Electronica with “Music 2F2” cre­at­ing a sound they like to call Dark Pop.

"Genre's are dif­fi­cult when you have rock arrange­ments, dis­tor­ted gui­tars, hip hop beats and wob­bling synths all topped off with melod­ic female vocals, how do you cat­egor­ize this? I am almost at the point of demand­ing a Genre Fluid move­ment inspired by our efforts at put­ting this eclect­ic music in a box" – says singer/producer Caitlin Stokes

Coming from a Alternative Rock back­ground Producer/Instrumentalist Brandon Ashley brings the heavy dark­er energy to the pro­ject with his pre­vi­ous Goth Rock band Brandon Ashley And The Silverbugs who opened for Iron Maiden in 2009 and cur­rently fronts the band The Dark who toured along side Peter Murphy, Orgy, Static X, Wednesday 13 and many more. Brandon calls Corlyx the fem­in­ine side of him­self and thor­oughly enjoyed exper­i­ment­ing with dance­able beats and Pop vocals.

Corlyx (Press photo 2018)
Corlyx (Press photo 2018)

"I have these highly fuzzed out gui­tar riffs I am try­ing to blend with these bright soft vocals, it was my biggest chal­lenge to mix these ele­ments, I really had no ref­er­ence to pull from, we had to just keep going back and fourth treat­ing each track com­pletely unique to itself. I think in the end there is some­thing for every­one on this album and it def­in­itely show­cases the fem­in­ine side of myself I have always wanted to express”

A bunch a variety awaits you on 'Music 2 F 2'

Aside from blend­ing dif­fer­ent genres the album concept is an expres­sion of sing­er song­writer Caitlin Stokes struggles through life and love, and soci­et­al issues. The album track Pretty addresses cur­rent beauty stand­ards and the pres­sure women face to achieve this, while album track Mountain City is about the destruc­tion of land and life suffered by indi­gen­ous people of the world. Changing the vibe of the album track by track the song Sensual Violence punches in with a twist on female power and sen­su­al­ity, how it can warp the psyche of her lov­ers into an agon­iz­ingly beau­ti­ful down­ward spir­al of obsession.

Corlyx wants their cur­rent fans and future fans to keep an open mind when it comes to styles of music prom­ising “Music 2F2” has brought back the spir­it of the 90’s, pulling from their biggest influ­ences; Nine Inch Nails, Portishead, Garbage, Depeche Mode blend­ing them with their cur­rent inspir­a­tions; TheXX, IAMX, Big Black Delta, and Alice Glass.

The duo has many sur­prises lined up for the next com­ing months, sur­prise cov­ers, col­lab­or­a­tions, music videos along with a European sum­mer sup­port tour for “Music 2F2”. Be sure to check out their web­site and socials for more info and stay tuned.

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