Anna Bee – Paranoia

Anna Bee - Paranoia'Paranoia' by the US band 'Anna Bee' is a sol­id and dark synth pop song in the mid tempo range. The vocals are crys­tal clear, express­ive and epic in places. Very nice are also the subtle sound effects, like the soft phone ringing in the back­ground when the lyr­ic asks: "Did you hear the phone ring?".

Sound-wise, everything is mixed per­fectly and the num­ber of tracks has a per­fect bal­ance in my opin­ion. There is enough vari­ety, i.e. the ear does not get bored. But the song is also not too com­plex, so that you have an easy start and are not acous­tic­ally over­ch­al­lenged. By the way, 'Paranoia' is per­fect for your next Halloween playlist.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Anna Bee – Paranoia' on Spotify

Anna Bee about 'Paranoia'

Anna Bee, New York Based and California raised, vocal­ist, song­writer, and pro­du­cer releases her edgy single, “Paranoia,” on October 28, on all plat­forms. This is her fourth single release, and second self pro­duced track.

“Paranoia” is a depar­ture from Anna’s first two releases which show­case her poet­ic song­writ­ing, and heart­felt vocals, tak­ing a more intense, elec­tron­ic approach to her pro­duc­tion. In “Paranoia,” she calls on the stor­ies we tell ourselves in our darkest moments, say­ing “Start to believe the lies my dev­il weaves.” This moody bass track draws on her own exper­i­ences of para­noia and insom­nia as well as see­ing the tor­ment of a close fam­ily mem­ber deal­ing with Schizo-affect­ive dis­order. This pro­ject touches on the agon­iz­ing feel­ing we all face in times of need, when we are trapped with­in our own minds, and how tra­gic­ally that can mani­fest itself in the con­text of severe men­tal ill­ness. Anna Bee’s power­ful vocals on top of her own pro­duc­tion bring you to the brink in this timely Halloween release.

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