CATBEAR – Higher

CATBEAR - Higher"CATBEAR", the sym­path­et­ic syn­thwave duo from England, once again takes us into a fas­cin­at­ing world of sound with their latest track "Higher". This song is a real treat for lov­ers of syn­thwave, synth pop and dark pop. The mood of the song is enga­ging, emo­tion­al and at the same time cre­ates a won­der­fully relax­ing and euphor­ic atmosphere.

"Higher" recalls the nos­tal­gic syn­thwave sounds of 'Nina', while at the same time cap­tur­ing the dense atmo­sphere and mod­ern charm of 'CHVRCHES'. The com­bin­a­tion of these influ­ences gives the song a unique iden­tity that is rarely found in the world of elec­tron­ic music.

Electric cur­rent send­ing dopamine
For you
With every word I am imagining
Lyrics of 'Higher' by 'CATBEAR'

The lyr­ics of 'Higher' are romantic and lyr­ic­al, and they skill­fully inter­weave with the mod­ern world. "CATBEAR" man­ages to trans­port us into a son­ic dream­s­cape where we can lose ourselves. This song is like an emo­tion­al jour­ney that cap­tiv­ates us and doesn't let go. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'CATBEAR – Higher' on Spotify

Listen to 'CATBEAR – Higher' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'CATBEAR – Higher'

You haven't talked with me in a while
Could you
Wait with me on the dial
Good news
I’m only down a wire
For you
Hold, like your hanging on

Could you … Take me up higher
Could you … Take me up higher
Could you … Take me up higher
Could you … Take me up higher

I’ll take your call from the unseen
Put me through
A mil­lion voices in the atmosphere
and me and you
Electric cur­rent send­ing dopamine
For you
With every word I am imagining

Could you … Take me up higher
Could you … Take me up higher
Could you … Take me up higher
Could you … Take me up higher

Could this be a feel­ing we can trust even if it's invisible?
Could this be some­thing we can hold on to?

Take me up higher
Could you
Take me up higher
Could you
Take me up higher

Could you … Take me up higher
Could you … Take me up higher
Could you … Take me up higher
Could you … Take me up higher

CATBEAR about 'Higher'

Step into the neon-lit realm of Higher with CATBEAR – aka Zoe and Sarah – as they revive the retro spir­it of syn­thpop. This indie elec­tron­ic meets syn­thpop gem will have you tap­ping your feet to the beat, with its pulsat­ing synths, and driv­ing drums. Zoe's invent­ive, atmo­spher­ic pro­duc­tion, and the irres­ist­ible charm of the duo’s dis­tinct­ive sound con­verge, bring­ing you a nos­tal­gic exper­i­ence with a mod­ern twist.

Higher trans­ports you into the world of long phone con­ver­sa­tions late into the night with a crush or lov­er. It's a sul­try anthem that harks back to a long-for­got­ten time before mobile phones and dat­ing apps.

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