Inaugural – Strigoi

Inaugural awakens the dark side of the night with 'Strigoi'

Inaugural - StrigoiInaugural, a fresh duo from the Australian under­ground, has made a first impres­sion with "Strigoi" that both fas­cin­ates and appeals to the senses. Their music, a skil­ful fusion of synth pop and dark wave, clearly bears the sig­na­ture of inspired music greats such as "The Cure" and "Kate Bush", spiced up with a pinch of "Crystal Castles".

The track begins with a palp­able mel­an­chol­ic heav­i­ness char­ac­ter­ised by dirty, dark syn­thes­iser sounds. However, it is the light, pleas­ant voice that cre­ates a pleas­ant con­trast and stands out with its dynam­ics, espe­cially in the trans­ition from the verses to the chor­us. This mix­ture of oppos­ites works fant­ast­ic­ally here and gives the song a unique atmo­sphere that sounds both romantic and mysterious.

The lyr­ic­al depth of "Strigoi" is unmis­tak­able, with lines like "Hide from the light, seal the deal with this strigoi" build­ing nar­rat­ive ten­sion and con­jur­ing up images of a noc­turn­al, almost ritu­al­ist­ic set­ting. These lyr­ics com­ple­ment the melod­ic dark­ness and emphas­ise the artist­ic vis­ion of Alice Amsel and Phil Spiteri, whose song­writ­ing moves between love, exist­en­tial hor­ror and club culture.

A par­tic­u­lar high­light of the song is the bridge, which feels like the calm before the storm – a brief res­pite before the song trans­itions into an ener­get­ic final act. This struc­ture is not only tech­nic­ally impress­ive, but also a test­a­ment to the duo's com­pos­i­tion­al skills. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Inaugural – Strigoi" on Spotify

Listen to "Inaugural – Strigoi" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "Inaugural – Strigoi"

Stoke the fire,
dan­cing with knives,
I'm with you,
we own the night,

Hide from the light, seal the deal with this strigoi,
chaos is the key, moth­er to all the hoi polloi,
the stones of your desire, let it sink into your skin,
each cut is a cross point, to all the places you have been.

I climb down,
I crawl in the dark,
I'm with you,
we own the night

Hide from the light, seal the deal with this strigoi,
chaos is the key, moth­er to all the hoi polloi,
the stones of your desire, let it sink into your skin,
each cut is a cross point, to all the places you have been.
I will wait, this is not worth the rush, this is not a race,

astra inclin­ant, sed non obligant
astra inclin­ant, sed non obligant

Inaugural about "Strigoi"

Strigoi is a bit­ter love let­ter to the thirst for revenge. How much of that yearn­ing is just? What kind of deal would you have to strike with your demons? Are those demons really parts of you in the end? It delves into how much human­ity one is will­ing to lose com­pared to the sat­is­fac­tion of feel­ing karm­ic retri­bu­tion orches­trated by your own hands.

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