Jacket. – Regalith (Feat. Czarina)

Jacket. - Regalith (Feat. Czarina)The music­al jour­ney of the song 'Regalith (Feat. Czarina)' from 'Jacket.' begins with an intro like from an 80s sci-fi / action film. The dis­tinct­ive voice of the Spanish artist 'Czarina' is tail­or-made for the song and sounds more than just a trav­el­ling companion.

The midtempo syn­thwave sound is beau­ti­fully rich and var­ied. Sound-wise, there are no adven­tures or new paths explored here now. The sound is more like a famil­i­ar path that you like to walk again and again. 'Jacket.' has really imple­men­ted this perfectly.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Jacket. – Regalith (Feat. Czarina)' on Spotify

Listen to 'Jacket. – Regalith (Feat. Czarina)' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'Jacket. – Regalith (Feat. Czarina)'

I waited with pulsat­ing breath
I had all this time
To arrive and realize
As the lights go down
I grapple with every breath
Paralyzed with dread

Staring down the road
Looking back

I feel alive
With memories
Come and gone
Taking hold
Of time

I feel alive
Cold and warm
Wrapping me
In time

There's a cold stir in the air
Icicles forming
Every breath I draw in
As the lights go down
I don't wanna waste my time
Wait for time

Staring down the road
Looking back

I feel alive
With memories
Come and gone
Taking hold
Of time

I feel alive
Cold and warm
Wrapping me
In time

Looking back
I feel your face
Closing in on mine
As the lights go down
Grappling with time
Every breath I take

I feel alive
With memories
Come and gone
Taking hold
Of time

I feel alive
Cold and warm
Wrapping me
In time


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