Monody – Eye To Eye

Monody - Eye To EyeThe song 'Eye To Eye' is a strange and amaz­ing com­bin­a­tion of EBM / indus­tri­al per­formed by the US band 'Monody'. The bal­ance between hard­ness and har­mony is per­fectly bal­anced here. What I find very pleas­ant is that son­ic­ally pres­sure and hard­ness is cre­ated without using oth­er music genres like met­al in a big and blunt way. I'm out of the game when it comes to heavy met­al guitars.

The song 'Eye To Eye' is taken from the EP 'Subtle Dissent'. Beside oth­er great songs, you also can find an Eisfabrik remix ver­sion of the song 'Eye To Eye'. Furthermore, I can recom­mend the open­er song 'Fallacy', which goes more in dir­ec­tion of future pop. Just think of early 2000s 'Code 64' or 'Apoptygma Berzerk'.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Monody – Eye To Eye' on Spotify

Listen to 'Monody – Eye To Eye' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'Monody – Eye To Eye'

As you open your mouth, I know how this will end
You can open a case you can't suc­cess­fully win

I've heard it all before, but I am not buying
If you're look­ing for accept­ance I won't be complying

Tell me what's wrong with this
I can­not reconcile
We're face to face but not eye to eye
You're sow­ing doubts in my hardened mind
And for you these teeth they have no bite

This has always worked with an amount of satisfaction
An intel­lec­tu­al king­dom I built, with its gates so high

There's noth­ing left to decide (your pos­i­tion is weak)
A miss­ing piece to con­fide (what val­id­a­tion do you seek?)

Isolate, des­troy, vin­dic­ate, and deride
A pos­i­tion I need for my safety to sacrifice

Tell me what's wrong with this
I can­not reconcile
We're face to face but not eye to eye
You're sow­ing doubts in my hardened mind
And for you these teeth they have no bite

Are you here to con­firm my bias, or help me grow inside?
Should I trust you to heal me or hasten my demise?
Or hasten my demise?

Tell me what's wrong with this
I can­not reconcile
We're face to face but not eye to eye
You're sow­ing doubts in my hardened mind
Tell me what's wrong with this
I can­not reconcile
We're face to face but not eye to eye
You're sow­ing doubts in my hardened mind
And for you these teeth they have no bite
And for you these teeth they have no bite

Monody about 'Eye To Eye'

This is an intense, driv­ing elec­tron­ic track with real drums mixed with elec­tron­ic beats. The song cov­ers the sub­ject of hav­ing a pas­sion­ate dis­agree­ment with a close friend and com­ing to the real­iz­a­tion that the ori­gin­al argu­ment was wrong to begin with.

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