That Gum U Like – Charlotte Sometimes (The Cure Cover)

That Gum U Like - Charlotte Sometimes (The Cure Cover)With their fant­ast­ic synth pop vari­ation of The Cure clas­sic "Charlotte Sometimes", the Brazilian band 'That Gum U Like' presents us with an exot­ic pearl from South America.

The cov­er of the song, which does not join the usu­al sus­pects of 'The Cure' cov­er songs, is a won­der­ful new inter­pret­a­tion that can be recom­men­ded to every The Cure fan. With their synth pop ver­sion, That Gum U Like breathe a naïve, mel­an­chol­ic mood into the ori­gin­al, trans­port­ing the listen­er into a fas­cin­at­ing soundscape.

The song's arrange­ment is clev­erly craf­ted, with the elec­tron­ic ele­ments har­mon­ising per­fectly with the melod­ic syn­thes­iser sounds. The catchy melody of "Charlotte Sometimes" is ima­gin­at­ively rein­ven­ted and presen­ted with a refresh­ing light­ness. The res­ult is a rous­ing piece that will delight loy­al The Cure fans as well as lov­ers of good cov­er versions.

If you're into The Cure and good cov­er ver­sions, be sure to check out That Gum U Like's synth pop cov­er of "Charlotte Sometimes". And if you want to dis­cov­er even more great The Cure cov­er ver­sions, I recom­mend our 2018 com­pil­a­tion "Curation – An Electrozombies Tribute To The Cure".

Listen to 'That Gum U Like – Charlotte Sometimes (The Cure Cover)' on Spotify

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