Pineapple The Project – Break Free

Pineapple The Project - Break Free"Pineapple The Project" from Sweden once again shows their tal­ent for fus­ing synth-pop and EBM with their latest work "Break Free". This track, which opens the 4‑track EP "Black", revives the 80s EBM clas­sics and gives them a fresh, con­tem­por­ary touch.

Already the first seconds of "Break Free" draw you in and put you dir­ectly on the dance floor. The song builds up tempo and energy right from the start, and it's impossible to escape the irres­ist­ible beat. The strik­ing fea­ture of this track, how­ever, is the soft, invit­ing vocals that blend sur­pris­ingly har­mo­ni­ously into the power­ful sound­scape. It is this unique com­bin­a­tion of catchy melod­ies and a crisp rhythm that makes "Break Free" some­thing special.

The bridge in the middle of the song provides addi­tion­al vari­ety and dynam­ics. Here Pineapple The Project shows that they are not only able to cre­ate an infec­tious groove, but also add subtle nuances to their music. This gives the track depth and keeps it inter­est­ing even after sev­er­al listens.

"Break Free" by Pineapple The Project is the per­fect choice for any­one who loves clear song struc­tures and catchy vocals without want­ing to give up the unmis­tak­able EBM beat. This track is a guar­an­teed mood-lift­er for the dance floor and will surely find a per­man­ent place in the playl­ists of elec­tron­ic music lov­ers. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Pineapple The Project – Break Free' on Spotify

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