SoftWave – Don't Bully Me Again

SoftWave - Don't Bully Me AgainThe won­der­ful elec­tro pop song "Don't Bully Me Again" by the Danish band 'SoftWave' is a catchy one with a ser­i­ous top­ic. The song is taken from the EP 'Aspire'.

Since I was bul­lied myself in school, because listen­ing to the wrong (dark) music instead of hip hop, being bad at all kind of ball sports and was the nerdy com­puter freak, this songs really speaks to me. Today I don't really care, but the song has a lib­er­at­ing effect on me in a cer­tain way. It already seems like a life­time ago and I don't know if these bul­lies have changed, but I am also com­pletely free of anger and bit­ter­ness. And this is how the songs feels to me.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to "SoftWave – Don't Bully Me Again" on Spotify

Listen to "SoftWave – Don't Bully Me Again" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "SoftWave – Don't Bully Me Again"

You still cross the line
I’ve often tried to point it out
Drew atten­tion to it
Communication seems to fail
No one is per­fect or a friend to all

As adults we tend to ignore
As adults we seem so strong
As adults we write it off as a nor­mal part of life for all

Don’t bully me again
I’d rather live without the stress
Don’t bully me
Be friendly instead
Don’t bully me again
It has a neg­at­ive effect on how I feel the way I think and how I act

I saw what your par­ents put you through
You used to push me and the weak around in school
Today you haven’t changed at all
No one is per­fect or a friend to all

As adults we tend to ignore
As adults we seem so strong
As adults we write it off as a nor­mal part of life for all

Don’t bully me again
I’d rather live without the stress
Don’t bully me
Be friendly instead
Don’t bully me again
It has a neg­at­ive effect on how I feel the way I think and how I act

Your heart’s so big my friend
I love you till the end
It’s time to let love in – let love in
To let love in

Don’t bully me again
I’d rather live without the stress
Don’t bully me
Be friendly instead
Don’t bully me again
It has a neg­at­ive effect on how I feel the way I think and how I act

Don’t bully me again
I’d rather live without the stress
Don’t bully me
Be friendly instead
Don’t bully me again
It has a neg­at­ive effect on how I feel the way I think and how I act

SoftWave about "Don't Bully Me Again"

"Don't Bully Me Again" is writ­ten dir­ectly to the bully by the vic­tim. A per­son­al story that goes back to the child­hood of a girl that against all odds grew up as a power-woman. When they meet again as adults, the vic­tim real­ises the bully hasn't changed. She felt a need to share her story and wrote this anti­bully-song. It's been pitched to the fund of the Danish Crown Princess Mary and will gain nation­wide expos­ure after Softwave's col­lab­or­a­tion with the pop­u­lar Danish influ­en­cer Nicolai A.

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