Form Follows Function x Bianca Stücker – My Mother Was The Moon (King Dude Cover)

Mystical moonlit nights: “My Mother Was The Moon” enchants with dark synth poetry

Form Follows Function x Bianca Stücker - My Mother Was The Moon (King Dude Cover) (Cover artwork)Official music video "My Mother Was The Moon (King Dude Cover)" per­formed by "Form Follows Function x Bianca Stücker".

In the dark world of dark pop/dark wave, the latest track "My Mother Was The Moon" by "Form Follows Function x Bianca Stücker" has a very spe­cial place. The dark, mel­an­chol­ic mood of the song invites you on a deep emo­tion­al and atmo­spher­ic jour­ney. The intro alone is remin­is­cent of the best moments of a typ­ic­al "Depeche Mode" bal­lad. The syn­thes­iser sets in and unfolds a power­ful dynam­ic that runs through the song and becomes more and more intense.

A com­par­is­on with the ori­gin­al by "King Dude" reveals that this ver­sion is much more than just a homage. It sur­passes the ori­gin­al with its dense atmo­sphere and the ton­al depth of the warm, full-sound­ing syn­thes­izers. These devel­op into ever more eccent­ric and ali­en sounds over the length of the song, offer­ing an excit­ing aud­it­ory experience.

Bianca Stücker's vocals are soft and restrained, blend­ing seam­lessly into the mix, which is remin­is­cent of the music­al genre of witch house, but still retains its own unique fla­vour. Interestingly, the song chal­lenges its listen­ers to get involved with it – sim­il­ar to the com­plex works of "IAMX". This is not a song for fleet­ing listen­ing exper­i­ences, but an invit­a­tion to go deep and let your­self be cap­tured by the shim­mer­ing black synth waves.

Listen to "Form Follows Function x Bianca Stücker – My Mother Was The Moon (King Dude Cover)" on Spotify

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